
God Tag

October Angel Message: Hope in the Dark

Hi and happy October! Here's the angel message for the month. Enjoy and lots of love. Have hope, even on the darkest days and longest nights. What you can’t see, we can. We see humanity learning, growing, and weaving together through the generations. We see brothers and sisters reconciling through forgiveness to peace. We know it can seem like a distant dream. We are aware of the human situation on your planet at this time. We wish you not to despair, but to have hope. Trust your inner guidance for direction. Let God and your angels guide you on each step of your path. And has it not been said, “be thou not afraid, for I am with you?” Truer words were never spoken. Let us guide you,...

February Angel Message: The Light that Never Goes Out

Here's my monthly message from the angels! Enjoy! We are here supporting you. You are never alone. We are your guides, angels, archangels, and those chosen to accompany you through this lifetime for your soul development. We are here to guide you as your soul develops more and more into who you were created to be. Whenever you are in doubt, you may light a candle and remind yourself that you are that spark of light within. Your light is how we see you. It is your eternal essence. We watch it grow brighter or dimmer by the choices you make and situations you find yourself in, but it’s always possible to return to it. We wish you to know that this light can never go...

November Angel Message: Flowing

Here is November's monthly message from the angels. Enjoy! Allow yourself to flow. The human mind wishes to analyze, calculate, and figure everything out. That, too, has its place, but this weighing is not everything. There is so much more to life, right in this moment. How is your heart? Where is your breath? You, too, are a spark of the Divine, the face of love. “If you could see yourself the way God sees you, you would smile a lot.” Imagine the love you have for a child but multiplied a thousandfold. You are God’s beloved. So don’t worry, and don’t fret. Know how loved you are and allow yourself to simply be. In the moments when you forget yourself, you shine the brightest. Allow...

September Angel Message: Light in the Darkness

Happy September and Happy Fall! Again this month I tuned into my guides and angels and received a beautiful & hopeful message. I hope it brings you healing and peace. Have a beautiful month and all my love. There are times in life when the light of Peace seems dim. You may be in one of those times now, or you may be coming out of one. We wish to tell you that even when Love seems distant, especially when Love seems distant, Love is nearer than your next breath. Love is always with you. It seems trite, but it’s true. Love is with each of you, with all of you. It can be no other way. To understand why this Love seems distant, go within. Where...

God’s Love for You

Here's the monthly message from the angels. Enjoy! God is always with you. You never have to feel alone, afraid, or cut off. Your guardian angels, guides, spirit helpers - however you call us, are on your team, always. This you will know when you finish the race, this time on your planet, called life. Until then, listen for us in the wind. Know us in your heart. Sometimes we are loud, and sometimes we are quiet as you figure things out on your own, but always - we are there. Never doubt this. Always know you are engulfed in divine love. And what of the times when God seems distant? Come back home to the heart. Quiet your mind. Go within. There you will find the...

Keep Shining

For my post this month I tuned into my angels and guides and received a message from them. I found it very helpful and I hope you do as well! Do not despair, neither shall thou be afraid. Humanity is awakening at this time. These are birthing pains, growing pains, the pains that are present when life changes from one form to another. Don’t be fooled by appearances, because what’s going on is much more significant than what can be seen with the eye. I don’t mean to alarm or scare you, only to enlighten you. Enlighten means to shed light, which is what is happening in your world. Keep engaging with the practices and the texts that bring you joy, for that is your true nature....

Love Is All Around

This month I'm trying something a little different. Similar to my angel readings, this month I tuned in and wrote the message I received from the angels. I hope you enjoy! I can't take credit for this wisdom! Your angels are here for you. God, in any way you conceive, is love, and within and all around you. At times it may not seem so. The world is a trickster. Shift your awareness to your inner space. See the world through the eyes of love. A neighbor walking a dog, birds chirping in the morning as they have for eons, a tree growing. These are pockets of God in a world that seems far removed. There is nothing but God. The magic lies in finding that...

Staying the Course

The past month has been a lot for us as a family. If I'm being honest, the past two years have been a lot. Some days it feels as if we've been charting a ship through fog. We know there is sun up ahead, clear skies, and beautiful days, and we just have to trust and have faith that we'll get to the other side, even when we can't always see it. I know I'm not alone in these sentiments - was January a tough month for a lot of us? From the cold, to the grey days, to seemingly never-ending Omicron and kids too young to be vaccinated, our plates have been full. At least, ours has felt that way. And yet, there are good...

Connecting with Your Angels

Many of us are told as children that we have guardian angels. We may accept that they are there, but never expect to see them or encounter them in some real way. And yet, improbable as it may seem, the angels really are with us, right next to us, guiding us and helping us. My healing journey has taken me to unexpected places and opened me up to belief systems I never thought I’d accept, one of those being the existence of an unseen world that exists alongside ours. Our unseen helpers, including our angels, are here to help us grow and develop along our soul path. They are a lifeline of hope when the physical world around us appears disconnected from that hope. Accepting some of...

Feeling the Angels

On a quiet morning over the weekend, my daughter told me that she saw a light that she thought it was an angel, and wanted to know if it really was an angel. Having seen glimpses of angels and spiritual light on and off in my life, I told her I believe that it's possible. I believe sometimes people do see angels. I also told her that even if we don't always see them, we can feel them in our hearts. To which my daughter said something that really gave me pause and made me rethink the life we've been living the past few months: "How can I feel the angels if I have too much to do?" I paused. It is hard to feel the angels...