
Connecting with Your Angels

Connecting with Your Angels

Many of us are told as children that we have guardian angels. We may accept that they are there, but never expect to see them or encounter them in some real way. And yet, improbable as it may seem, the angels really are with us, right next to us, guiding us and helping us.

My healing journey has taken me to unexpected places and opened me up to belief systems I never thought I’d accept, one of those being the existence of an unseen world that exists alongside ours. Our unseen helpers, including our angels, are here to help us grow and develop along our soul path. They are a lifeline of hope when the physical world around us appears disconnected from that hope.

Accepting some of my experiences of angels took a lot of mental reckoning, but my soul always knew these experiences were real, true, and good. I have had just a few experiences, but they always felt truly holy and pure. I primarily began to have these experiences after my STE. Here are some of them.

In the months after my STE, when deciding whether to sign up for a summer program, I felt two very tall angels next to me, nudging me to choose a different path. How did I know they were tall? I just felt it. They were close to my shoulders, and I could feel they went very far past my shoulders, way up high. As far as I know it was not a life-or-death decision, but they were there guiding me away from it. Angels have higher perspective and can see outcomes of things we cannot reason out with our minds. I honored this nudge and didn’t sign up for the program. I went back home to Louisiana and had a very healing and fun summer with family and friends. On paper, it did not seem like a necessary choice, but for my soul it was.

In more recent years I have intermittently heard angel song. I began hearing it one day after receiving a healing. The healer told me that after healings she could sometimes hear “the music of the spheres,” and noted that she was hearing it. She asked me if I heard it too. I wondered what she meant and tried to tune in. Amazingly, I did hear it! It was very faint singing, like choirs of angels, very high and far away. The pitch rose and fell. The song was beautiful and wordless. Peaceful, quiet singing that sounded like choirs of angels.

From that point on I began to hear this angel song at certain quiet times of my life. Putting my daughter to bed or feeling very relaxed, I could hear it. Recently, opening the book A Course in Miracles also caused me to hear the angel song. I opened the book and heard the choir. When I closed the book, the singing stopped. I tried it a handful of times and kept hearing the singing every time I opened the book. I don’t hear it all the time, but when I do, it’s a blessing and reminder that there is more to life than what we can touch or see.

Another memorable experience with angels happened when I was much younger. I was a young teenager and very angry. Someone had asked me accusingly if I was Jewish. I lied and told them I wasn’t. As soon as I said “no,” I felt a stone hit me strongly in the shoulder. It was not a real stone, but I felt it right in my shoulder, hitting me hard. I looked back towards where it came from and got angry. I didn’t care. I was a raging and wounded teenager. I’ve thought about that moment a lot. Did an angel throw the stone? I’m not sure. I sometimes think it was my great grandmother, who came to this country to be free from hiding her Judaism. Angel or not, it was a valuable reminder that lying, especially about who you are, is definitely not the highest path.

I hope you enjoyed reading a few of my angel experiences – experiences that took me a long time to accept. I tell you these stories partly because they are fun to think about, but also because if you know me, you know I am not a saint. I have my problems and I tend towards skepticism. Angels do not only come to certain people. They are with all of us. If you look back on your life to this point, you may recognize times when angels have been with you. Or maybe you already know this and have a strong relationship with your angels! Wherever you are on your journey, your angels are here for you.

In my recommendations this month I’m recommending a great book along these lines called Connecting with Angels Made Easy by Kyle Gray. It is full of simple exercises to help you connect with your angels. I hope it is helpful for you to feel supported and loved as you go through this life.

Hope you have a beautiful start to 2022!

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