
healing Tag

October Angel Message: Hope in the Dark

Hi and happy October! Here's the angel message for the month. Enjoy and lots of love. Have hope, even on the darkest days and longest nights. What you can’t see, we can. We see humanity learning, growing, and weaving together through the generations. We see brothers and sisters reconciling through forgiveness to peace. We know it can seem like a distant dream. We are aware of the human situation on your planet at this time. We wish you not to despair, but to have hope. Trust your inner guidance for direction. Let God and your angels guide you on each step of your path. And has it not been said, “be thou not afraid, for I am with you?” Truer words were never spoken. Let us guide you,...

September Angel Message: Still, small voice

Happy September! This is the message from the angels that went out with my monthly newsletter. I'm also starting to post messages daily to my instagram account @rebecca.kastl. Come find me there if you'd like more of this! Have a beautiful month. When you hear the still, small voice within, hold the stillness, and listen. This is coming from a higher source, your higher self. Hold that thread and pull it out word by word. What is your heart trying to tell you? What messages does Source have for you? When you listen, your whole life can change in an instant for the better. Get still and heed your inner guidance. Each one of you has this cable to inner knowing. And how can you tell which...

June Angel Message: Your Own Path

Here's the monthly message from the angels. Hope you find it as helpful as I did! I send these out every month with monthly updates in my newsletter. The most important thing for you to know is your own relationship to the Divine. You cannot control anyone else’s timing or entry onto the spiritual path, though believe us it is something each soul comes to eventually. The highest thing you can do for the other is to step boldly onto your own spiritual path and know confidently that this is where you belong. You know your own heart and where it exists in relationship to God’s love. Let that be enough. When you wish another to join the path with you, don’t force. Their heart is walking...

May Angel Message: Creation

Happy May! Here's the monthly message from my angels. Hope it's helpful! It was for me! When you start on a project dear to your heart, divide it into two. One half for you, one half for divine surprise. This means that you must do your work, invest your time, energy, and expertise, while leaving an opening for your guides and unseen helpers to fill in the gaps. In this way creation is a dance with spirit. We provide you with inspiration and direction, while you complete the project with your unique skills and abilities. In this way, receiving our loving guidance, you cannot fail. Your creations shine brighter when space is left for the divine spark, which allows them to touch more hearts and reach others...

March Angel Message: Be Who You Are

Here is March's monthly message from the angels! Enjoy and see you next month! Don’t give up when the end is in clear view. You may not be able to see it, but we do. We are your angels, guides, and loved ones. We know you better than you realize. There is so much more going on than what you can see with the naked eye. So let go of stressing & striving. We can see where you are going, and you are almost there. It is only a matter of time, and by that we mean, give it some time. Keep holding the vision for your truest life in your heart. Do that, and your dream life will rise to meet you. The life you dream of...

February Angel Message: The Light that Never Goes Out

Here's my monthly message from the angels! Enjoy! We are here supporting you. You are never alone. We are your guides, angels, archangels, and those chosen to accompany you through this lifetime for your soul development. We are here to guide you as your soul develops more and more into who you were created to be. Whenever you are in doubt, you may light a candle and remind yourself that you are that spark of light within. Your light is how we see you. It is your eternal essence. We watch it grow brighter or dimmer by the choices you make and situations you find yourself in, but it’s always possible to return to it. We wish you to know that this light can never go...

January Angel Message: Allowing

Here is January's message from the angels. I hope it's helpful for you! See you next month! Give yourself time. There is no rush. Allow life to meet you where you are. Where are you going? You are only ever here. Now. There is nowhere to get to. Only to be. In this moment is where the magic happens. If you allow life to come to you, you will find there is nothing you have to do. Life blossoms where you are, as you are. So don’t fret. Don’t waste energy worrying what will come. Everything happens in due time, as it’s meant to. The blueprint from heaven made manifest on earth. It’s more than can be seen with human eyes. Trust and know, you only...

November Angel Message: Flowing

Here is November's monthly message from the angels. Enjoy! Allow yourself to flow. The human mind wishes to analyze, calculate, and figure everything out. That, too, has its place, but this weighing is not everything. There is so much more to life, right in this moment. How is your heart? Where is your breath? You, too, are a spark of the Divine, the face of love. “If you could see yourself the way God sees you, you would smile a lot.” Imagine the love you have for a child but multiplied a thousandfold. You are God’s beloved. So don’t worry, and don’t fret. Know how loved you are and allow yourself to simply be. In the moments when you forget yourself, you shine the brightest. Allow...

October Angel Message: Gratitude and Attention

Enjoy this monthly message from the angels! Thanks for being here and see you next month. Don’t be so afraid. Your path is perfect. Your angels see it all from above and from within and see the perfection in it all. You are God’s own beloved child and friend. You will never be left out to dry. Trust us in this. We are carrying you. We are holding your hand and guiding you even and especially when life seems hard and unmanageable. Reign in your thoughts and allow yourself to dwell on all the good in your life. What you pay attention to causes things to shift. What you look at grows. Tell us what you are thankful for. State it out loud or say it...

September Angel Message: Light in the Darkness

Happy September and Happy Fall! Again this month I tuned into my guides and angels and received a beautiful & hopeful message. I hope it brings you healing and peace. Have a beautiful month and all my love. There are times in life when the light of Peace seems dim. You may be in one of those times now, or you may be coming out of one. We wish to tell you that even when Love seems distant, especially when Love seems distant, Love is nearer than your next breath. Love is always with you. It seems trite, but it’s true. Love is with each of you, with all of you. It can be no other way. To understand why this Love seems distant, go within. Where...