
trust your heart Tag

October Angel Message: Hope in the Dark

Hi and happy October! Here's the angel message for the month. Enjoy and lots of love. Have hope, even on the darkest days and longest nights. What you can’t see, we can. We see humanity learning, growing, and weaving together through the generations. We see brothers and sisters reconciling through forgiveness to peace. We know it can seem like a distant dream. We are aware of the human situation on your planet at this time. We wish you not to despair, but to have hope. Trust your inner guidance for direction. Let God and your angels guide you on each step of your path. And has it not been said, “be thou not afraid, for I am with you?” Truer words were never spoken. Let us guide you,...

September Angel Message: Light in the Darkness

Happy September and Happy Fall! Again this month I tuned into my guides and angels and received a beautiful & hopeful message. I hope it brings you healing and peace. Have a beautiful month and all my love. There are times in life when the light of Peace seems dim. You may be in one of those times now, or you may be coming out of one. We wish to tell you that even when Love seems distant, especially when Love seems distant, Love is nearer than your next breath. Love is always with you. It seems trite, but it’s true. Love is with each of you, with all of you. It can be no other way. To understand why this Love seems distant, go within. Where...

Trusting your Heart

Our hearts are the inner compasses that guide our lives. They are our connection to Source. When we heed our hearts' wishes, we honor our truest selves. We may choose to ignore it, especially when its yearnings seem hard or not in keeping with our ego's wishes, but we will eventually return to it. When we honor our hearts, we step into our truest natures. Following the thread of my heart led me to my greatest healing. By getting still and quiet, I learned my heart's wishes. It also eventually led to my experience of the Divine. In the beginning, honoring my heart was a joyful exercise. I was happy to have found a connection to my truest self after being so disconnected. While connecting to my...

Letting Yourself Change

When undertaking to follow your heart, you may feel called to change the outward circumstances of your life. You might be called to change a relationship or a job, or even where you live. You might feel compelled to change some friendships. It can seem hard to your mind to start showing up in a different way in the world, but if it is what your heart and soul is truly asking you for, making these changes will only result in more joy for you in the end. Some of the things I’ve felt compelled to change since beginning this journey include my occupation, my orientation to work, my relationships, and where I live. These changes have happened in varying ways over the years. When I...

Being True to Yourself

“To thine own self be true. And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.” – William Shakespeare Being true to yourself means honoring what is true for you by knowing and acting on your truth. It means being in touch with who you are and living into it, because you are a beautiful creation from God. It means listening to your heart and then taking steps to create what you found there. In my young life, it was harder for me to honor my truth. I was afraid of what people would think of me if I made changes in my life based on what I felt in my heart. I was timid about it. Writing and sharing...

Trusting your Heart

“If I don’t go within, I go without.” – Neale Donald Walsch I’ve written about this before, but I return to it because it’s so important. Trusting your heart is always a great choice, whether in calm or stressful times. When you aren’t sure which way to go, or what to do, get still and listen to your heart. Your heart can see from above because it is connected to God. You will know your heart’s voice because it arises from that still place. It may be hard to ignore. Your heart’s wishes will arise again and again in your life in your quietest moments. The voice of my heart became very strong the few years after my experience. I felt a very clear inner calling to...

From Fear to Faith

Living in fear means being disconnected from your heart, your source, and your true self. Fear can manifest as anxiety, anger, depression, and insomnia, to name a few. It can make your mind race and make you wilt. Though it may seem difficult in the middle of a fearful moment to see the way out, you don’t have to stay there. There is a pathway out of fear, and I believe it goes through your heart.  After my trauma and childhood, I lived in a constant state of fear. It became second nature for me to live this way. I had difficulty sleeping. I had anxiety. I always felt shut down. Though it manifested as a diagnosis of P.T.S.D., it felt much different than that. It felt...

Trusting your Inner Guidance

It takes practice to trust your inner guidance. From the time we were young, we were told to trust the outer world over our own instincts. Being asked to do things we didn’t want to do, being pressured to conform to a world that was often out of line with our own truths, we lost ourselves. Yet that inner guidance is always there. It may be a muscle out of shape, but you can still uncover it and learn to rely on it. When you get still, you will be able to hear your inner guidance. Practice centering yourself in stillness and bring your awareness to your heart. It will guide you. You may also practice automatic writing. You may also pray. But mostly, you must...

Learning from Teachers, then Teaching Yourself

I was very fortunate this past weekend to have a chance to learn in person from Neale Donald Walsch, author of Conversations with God. It was a truly amazing experience after having read so many of his books over the past decade plus. I was brought to his books after my own experience of God, which I’ve shared about here. It was an awesome experience to be in the presence of this teacher who has meant so much to me, and a great reminder to trust myself even in the presence of a great teacher. As he teaches and I’ve learned, we are all a part of God, and we each have our own innate wisdom. I’ve learned so much from him and from other...

The shift from external to internal knowing

Moving from sensing on the outside to sensing on the inside has been one of the most healing and difficult things I learned to do on my journey to healing. I struggled with it for years because it wasn’t something I was taught. I often thought it might not be important or meaningful. I’ve eventually learned that approaching life from a place of internal knowing and guidance is one of the most important things I can do in my life. Learning to approach life from your internal compass can be a big shift, but it doesn’t have to be hard. Like anything, it gets easier with practice. I first began noticing my internal knowingness when I needed to heal. Even though everything in my external life...