
truth Tag

Keep Shining

For my post this month I tuned into my angels and guides and received a message from them. I found it very helpful and I hope you do as well! Do not despair, neither shall thou be afraid. Humanity is awakening at this time. These are birthing pains, growing pains, the pains that are present when life changes from one form to another. Don’t be fooled by appearances, because what’s going on is much more significant than what can be seen with the eye. I don’t mean to alarm or scare you, only to enlighten you. Enlighten means to shed light, which is what is happening in your world. Keep engaging with the practices and the texts that bring you joy, for that is your true nature....

Seeing the Love

A question that has come up time and again is - Where is God when tragedy strikes? It's easy to feel confused when watching the news or when experiencing difficulties in your own life. I'm not a sage or a wisdom-keeper, but I can tell you what I've learned since my Spiritually-Transformative Experience (STE). I hope it will be helpful. As I write about often, in my STE I felt God's love very intensely, for me and for everyone. I saw light in all things and people. This experience, or really, series of experiences, was so profound that it shifted my life completely. But as many people ask and as I wondered in the past, if that light is there all the time, why doesn't it seem...

Trusting your Heart

Our hearts are the inner compasses that guide our lives. They are our connection to Source. When we heed our hearts' wishes, we honor our truest selves. We may choose to ignore it, especially when its yearnings seem hard or not in keeping with our ego's wishes, but we will eventually return to it. When we honor our hearts, we step into our truest natures. Following the thread of my heart led me to my greatest healing. By getting still and quiet, I learned my heart's wishes. It also eventually led to my experience of the Divine. In the beginning, honoring my heart was a joyful exercise. I was happy to have found a connection to my truest self after being so disconnected. While connecting to my...

Reflections: Patience

Having patience can be so hard in healing, and so important. Trust that your time will come, and that your healing will come. Whatever it is that you’re waiting for, let yourself sit with it. Don’t distract yourself with substances and chemicals and shows and Twitter – let yourself sit and be. Whatever it is that you’re waiting for will come. If you could see from above, you would see how everything is interconnected and happening at the right time. I’ve had to learn to be patient, and when I could not see how things would ever work out, somehow they worked out just perfectly, eventually. Wishing you patience today.  ...

Trusting your Inner Guidance

It takes practice to trust your inner guidance. From the time we were young, we were told to trust the outer world over our own instincts. Being asked to do things we didn’t want to do, being pressured to conform to a world that was often out of line with our own truths, we lost ourselves. Yet that inner guidance is always there. It may be a muscle out of shape, but you can still uncover it and learn to rely on it. When you get still, you will be able to hear your inner guidance. Practice centering yourself in stillness and bring your awareness to your heart. It will guide you. You may also practice automatic writing. You may also pray. But mostly, you must...