
energy healing Tag

January Angel Message: Allowing

Here is January's message from the angels. I hope it's helpful for you! See you next month! Give yourself time. There is no rush. Allow life to meet you where you are. Where are you going? You are only ever here. Now. There is nowhere to get to. Only to be. In this moment is where the magic happens. If you allow life to come to you, you will find there is nothing you have to do. Life blossoms where you are, as you are. So don’t fret. Don’t waste energy worrying what will come. Everything happens in due time, as it’s meant to. The blueprint from heaven made manifest on earth. It’s more than can be seen with human eyes. Trust and know, you only...

Keep Shining

For my post this month I tuned into my angels and guides and received a message from them. I found it very helpful and I hope you do as well! Do not despair, neither shall thou be afraid. Humanity is awakening at this time. These are birthing pains, growing pains, the pains that are present when life changes from one form to another. Don’t be fooled by appearances, because what’s going on is much more significant than what can be seen with the eye. I don’t mean to alarm or scare you, only to enlighten you. Enlighten means to shed light, which is what is happening in your world. Keep engaging with the practices and the texts that bring you joy, for that is your true nature....

Staying the Course

The past month has been a lot for us as a family. If I'm being honest, the past two years have been a lot. Some days it feels as if we've been charting a ship through fog. We know there is sun up ahead, clear skies, and beautiful days, and we just have to trust and have faith that we'll get to the other side, even when we can't always see it. I know I'm not alone in these sentiments - was January a tough month for a lot of us? From the cold, to the grey days, to seemingly never-ending Omicron and kids too young to be vaccinated, our plates have been full. At least, ours has felt that way. And yet, there are good...

The Healing Power of Reiki

After years of studying and practicing Reiki, I often feel like I take the subtle healing power of Reiki for granted. I began studying Reiki when I was 23. Back then, it was an amazing revelation. I was astounded by it. Over time, I got used to it. I studied other healing modalities. Reiki was cool, but so were all these other healing paths, I thought. But something happened last week that really upped my appreciation for Reiki. I began working one-on-one with a student in need of healing and guidance. As I began teaching her about Reiki in this intimate setting, I started to truly appreciate its power and promise. What a beautiful method, so accessible and simple, and yet beyond our human understanding. Reiki...