
Seeing the Love

Seeing the Love

A question that has come up time and again is – Where is God when tragedy strikes? It’s easy to feel confused when watching the news or when experiencing difficulties in your own life. I’m not a sage or a wisdom-keeper, but I can tell you what I’ve learned since my Spiritually-Transformative Experience (STE). I hope it will be helpful.

As I write about often, in my STE I felt God’s love very intensely, for me and for everyone. I saw light in all things and people. This experience, or really, series of experiences, was so profound that it shifted my life completely.

But as many people ask and as I wondered in the past, if that light is there all the time, why doesn’t it seem like it? Why can people still be cruel and hurtful? It’s something I thought about a lot as I tried to reconcile my beautiful experiences with the suffering I saw in the world around me.

Well, that light is there all the time, and that love exists within all things. For any myriad of reasons, those people acting out of alignment with love haven’t tuned into it. And what terrible things we can do when we aren’t aligned with love! Just watch the news. There are so many ways to suffer, and so many ways to hurt others.

I believe that all people have that love within them, and all of us have that spark of light in our hearts. It is up to each of us if we will honor it and live into it. You can’t control if other people will live into that love, but you can choose if for yourself, and perhaps, along the way, help others to remember the love that always lies within.

I hope this is helpful and I hope you have a great month!


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