
The Lightning Rod of Peace

The Lightning Rod of Peace

If I’m being honest, the past few months have been pretty overwhelming in my life, personally. Has it been for you as well? My daughter went back to school after being home for over a year due to the pandemic, and I went back to my work full-time. It’s taken time and attention to remain centered in peace, but when I’ve taken the time to really come into Presence, it’s helped me and my family a whole lot.

I titled this post the Lightning Rod of Peace while thinking of some meditations from one of my teachers. Sitting still and centering, we tuned into the chakras resting above our crowns that extend a few feet above our bodies. As I tuned into these chakras in meditation, I could feel the higher and finer vibrations present there, and the image reminded me of a lightning rod, bringing in peace and love.

Can you sit still and breathe, tuning into that peace? It only has to take a moment to come back into it. Say a prayer, ask for help from your guides and angels, and breathe awareness into your heart. Remember how loved you are, and let the rushing thoughts go. Spend time in gratitude, being thankful for your blessings. Take some time to bring more positive, higher vibration books and media into your awareness.

All of these are ways I try to remember the Peace I felt in my Spiritually-Transformative Experience. It can seem hard when life is topsy-turvy, as it has been for us lately, but my experience and all the things I’ve learned have showed me that this world truly is saturated with God’s peace. We’re all connected to this peace, all the time. We can tune into this love anytime we want and ease our suffering.

What are your favorite ways to feel Divine Peace?



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