
inner guidance Tag

Using Your Will in Alignment with Divine Guidance

As we enter 2021, I felt called to write about finding the balance between using your will and following your inner guidance. Your will is the power you use to create things in the world. Your inner guidance is the promptings you receive from your higher self, spirit guides, and God as to the best path for your soul. Ideally, your will be in balance with your higher guidance. Finding the balance between the two is the sweet spot that will help you create beauty in your life and in the lives of those around you. Before my experience and before learning to heal, I used my will to create that which I wanted in my life. I did not have a sense of something higher...

Steering your Ship

Steering your ship means guiding your life in the way you would like it to go. There are so many opportunities each day to connect with many different types of people and experiences. Which ones do you choose? All experiences are ultimately good and will bring you to a new understanding of who you are, but getting still and listening to the voice within will help guide you towards your most joyful choices. Get connected and use that knowledge to steer your ship. Create the life that is right for you.  ...

Trusting your Heart

“If I don’t go within, I go without.” – Neale Donald Walsch I’ve written about this before, but I return to it because it’s so important. Trusting your heart is always a great choice, whether in calm or stressful times. When you aren’t sure which way to go, or what to do, get still and listen to your heart. Your heart can see from above because it is connected to God. You will know your heart’s voice because it arises from that still place. It may be hard to ignore. Your heart’s wishes will arise again and again in your life in your quietest moments. The voice of my heart became very strong the few years after my experience. I felt a very clear inner calling to...

Trusting your Inner Guidance

It takes practice to trust your inner guidance. From the time we were young, we were told to trust the outer world over our own instincts. Being asked to do things we didn’t want to do, being pressured to conform to a world that was often out of line with our own truths, we lost ourselves. Yet that inner guidance is always there. It may be a muscle out of shape, but you can still uncover it and learn to rely on it. When you get still, you will be able to hear your inner guidance. Practice centering yourself in stillness and bring your awareness to your heart. It will guide you. You may also practice automatic writing. You may also pray. But mostly, you must...

Listening to Your Heart

Your heart is your center. It is connected to all that is. Your heart will provide you with hunches, guidance, and feelings about what to do, which way to go, and what you need - when you are quiet enough to listen to it. Everyone has this capability, because everyone’s heart comes from God. The trick is to honor it. That’s much more easily said than done!  When I began healing, I did not know that listening to my heart mattered or was important. In fact, I did everything I could not to listen to my heart, because I had been in so much pain. When I began healing, I did so because my heart was calling to me underneath the pain. Listening to my heart allowed me...