
Feeling the Angels

Feeling the Angels

On a quiet morning over the weekend, my daughter told me that she saw a light that she thought it was an angel, and wanted to know if it really was an angel. Having seen glimpses of angels and spiritual light on and off in my life, I told her I believe that it’s possible. I believe sometimes people do see angels. I also told her that even if we don’t always see them, we can feel them in our hearts. To which my daughter said something that really gave me pause and made me rethink the life we’ve been living the past few months:

“How can I feel the angels if I have too much to do?”

I paused. It is hard to feel the angels if we have too much to do! That has certainly been the case for our family over the past few months. I did my best to tell her about finding quiet time in our day to connect with our hearts, something I write about and think about a lot. Her question truly made me realize that I need to make sure I create a slow and peaceful enough home for our family and for her.

In that moment, she summed up a lot of my journey, and perhaps your journey in this life. Our angels and guides are always with us, but it’s hard to hear them if we have too much noise. By getting still and tuning into them, we can feel them with us and know we are not alone. We can receive guidance and feel assured.

It’s possible to create space to connect to our angels even in the midst a busy day, by taking a few moments in a quiet place, breathing, and reaching out in prayer. Our angels are always here with us, but it’s much easier to feel them when we create space in our lives for them. Next month I’ll write about some of my favorite ways to connect with angels, and some of the experiences I’ve had with angels.

Wishing you connection, joy, and peace today and always. Happy holidays!





    01/07/2022 at 6:00 pm

    Great content! Keep up the good work!

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