
Author: Rebecca

Taking it One Step at a Time

In healing and in life, it’s so important to take things at the right pace. Try not to rush or push, though the temptation may be great. I’ve heard it said that “life works itself out in the process of life itself,” and I think that’s a great way of putting it. I used to try to rush many things in my life, from school to work to success to marriage. I pushed hard against the current of life to try to make things work in the way I believed they were supposed to. After connecting with God and my heart, I don’t do that as much (though I still do from time to time).  Living in union with the divine in your soul will allow you...

Respecting the Beliefs of Others

One of my favorite parts about being American is the importance placed on freedom of religion. I love that people are free to practice and believe in whichever way they wish, and I love that I have been able to explore many types beliefs freely and openly. Over the years I have come to have some pretty strong beliefs about God. While part of me wants to make everyone believe the same way I do, I’ve found a lot of joy in the many pathways to God. We can love and respect one another and still believe different things. It’s a beautiful path. ...


I personally believe we are all here to be “Christed,” that is, to learn and live into our oneness with God. Though I know it might not seem like the purpose of life from looking at the news or going to work, my experiences and the things I’ve learned have led me to this belief. In the process of being Christed and becoming aware of our union with God, we may have highs and lows. We may rise to beautiful experiences of love only to fall to depths of sadness later. I’ve definitely been there. The important thing is to be patient with yourself, and to remind yourself why you’re here. It takes time.  ...

Starting Your Day

Waking up each day you begin with a clean slate. In dreams you reconnect with your source and are renewed. When you wake, in whatever way is best for you, nurture your connection to God and be gentle with yourself. Can you take a deep breath? Can you be kind to your body? As a mom it’s easy for me to want to hit the ground running, and sometimes I must. In the past year I’ve begun waking before everyone else, around 4:30 or 5 am – my best and only true quiet time, which allows me to begin the day slowly, from my heart, and to write these reflections to you. It has helped me immensely to feel connected to my life’s purpose and...

Steering your Ship

Steering your ship means guiding your life in the way you would like it to go. There are so many opportunities each day to connect with many different types of people and experiences. Which ones do you choose? All experiences are ultimately good and will bring you to a new understanding of who you are, but getting still and listening to the voice within will help guide you towards your most joyful choices. Get connected and use that knowledge to steer your ship. Create the life that is right for you.  ...

Home is in the Heart

As a storm prepares to hit my hometown, I’m reminded that home is not outside of us, but within us. When everything was taken away after Katrina, a storm my family survived but in which we lost much, I learned that lesson in the extreme. Never before had I been so grateful for my friends and family. Never before had I felt so close to all the people I had known growing up there, people I normally took for granted. Eventually, things evened back out, but obviously occurrences like these are not always predictable. Our world is full of unpredictable events such as wildfires, tornadoes, hurricanes, and more. We can’t always know how our world will look tomorrow, but it if we are able to...

Reflections: Patience

Having patience can be so hard in healing, and so important. Trust that your time will come, and that your healing will come. Whatever it is that you’re waiting for, let yourself sit with it. Don’t distract yourself with substances and chemicals and shows and Twitter – let yourself sit and be. Whatever it is that you’re waiting for will come. If you could see from above, you would see how everything is interconnected and happening at the right time. I’ve had to learn to be patient, and when I could not see how things would ever work out, somehow they worked out just perfectly, eventually. Wishing you patience today.  ...

Reflections: Healing from the Center

Whether you are just beginning to heal, or are continuing on this journey, try to center yourself in your heart as much as possible. As I began healing, I did not know left from right or up from down. I did not know who I was or why I was here. It was important then, as always, for me to center myself in my heart, and to lead myself from there. It was the only truth in a world of untruths and unholy moments. Center yourself in your heart and you will be led to yourself. Center yourself in whatever urge you feel arising from your heart, and you will eventually find love. You were born to do this. You are beyond capable of healing....


If there is something your heart truly desires, trust that it will be made manifest in your life. This desire, this soul urge, comes from your heart, which comes from God. You may not be able to plan the circumstances. You may not see it coming. It may not look the way you expect it to look. Just trust that your dreams can and will come true. They are within you to be made real. ***** Hello readers! I've decided to change up my blog format after some prayer and contemplation. I'll be writing shorter daily thoughts Monday through Thursday, and a longer blog post on Fridays. I hope this new format suits you! As always, I sit in prayer before writing, and then write what I...

Letting Yourself Change

When undertaking to follow your heart, you may feel called to change the outward circumstances of your life. You might be called to change a relationship or a job, or even where you live. You might feel compelled to change some friendships. It can seem hard to your mind to start showing up in a different way in the world, but if it is what your heart and soul is truly asking you for, making these changes will only result in more joy for you in the end. Some of the things I’ve felt compelled to change since beginning this journey include my occupation, my orientation to work, my relationships, and where I live. These changes have happened in varying ways over the years. When I...