
Author: Rebecca

Staying Focused

When you have discerned what your heart is calling for, it's important to stay focused on it. Bring your awareness and attention back to your heart truth regularly in meditation and throughout the day. It's so easy for the breezes and winds of life to redirect your sails if you don't steer with awareness. Focus on where your heart is leading you. I have often had a hard time with focus in my life. Even after my experience of the light, I often and willfully decided that I would ignore it. I would get distracted and pay attention to the other many things going on in my life to find, years later, my heart was still calling to me to do the same things I had...

Remaining in Peace

Happy Wednesday! I hope you had a good Thanksgiving. Mine ended up being awesome, with a beautiful time spent with my sister and family. And now we're already in December. I'm so excited for the holidays that are coming up so quickly! I wanted to write today about remaining in peace amidst difficulty and strife. It's something that's come up for me this week as I've been navigating some heavier emotions. I can't pinpoint exactly why, but it feels a lot like worrying about the earth, nature, and the many people who are suffering. I don't even know at this point whether I'm projecting or not - in therapy in the past, that was often the summation. But our earth is going through a lot. Climate...

Come as You Are

I’ve just arrived at my sister’s house today after traveling halfway across the country for Thanksgiving. I’m so happy to be here! My family, her family, our parents, brothers and sisters-in-law are coming together to celebrate the holiday. As our families come together this week, it has made me think about how valuable and important it is to accept people for who they are. No family is perfect, and no person is perfect, but each one is who they’re meant to be.   Of course, I’ve grown in this area, and self-care is still important. Sometimes we have to take time for ourselves and set our boundaries. But today, right now, I’m really happy to have the kooky cast of characters that is my family. I love...

Hope in Things Unseen

In times of sadness or confusion, it helps me to remember that we are part of a greater, Godly reality. This week I've felt the pressure of parenting, career, finances, marriage, and holiday stress. It's easy to get lost in the tangible world and lose the tether to our greater reason for being here. While I love the bliss I experienced when I initially had my encounter with the Divine, and I attempt to connect to that peace regularly through prayer and meditation, I'm just not always going to feel that connected, joyful, and peaceful. This week was one of those times. I have felt stress. I have worried. I have wished for peace. When that happens, as it does, it helps me to get still, breathe,...

Doing Things you Love

When the world seems to be mired in suffering, it can feel selfish and a little pointless to do the things you love, but it is at those times that your joy is most important. The world benefits as much as you do from your healing, loving, shining heart. What brings you to that place of joy? What helps you feel love? When I was at my most depressed, I didn’t even know what joy felt like, much less what could help me feel it. I remember for a while, the only thing that helped me feel better was singing Christmas carols. So I did that. Over time I’ve found more and more things that bring me joy. Healing has been an interplay of moving towards joy,...

Forgiving Yourself

What does it mean to forgive yourself? In my life, forgiving myself means returning my heart to the true love of God, stopping the negative self-talk reels that can loop again and again in my mind, and having a soft approach to myself and my heart. It can be so easy to be so hard on ourselves when we’re faced with past mistakes and let downs, but we all need to remember that we’re all here to learn, grow, and become. We weren’t born knowing everything – that’s why we were born. “Hurt people, hurt people.” – Will Bowen This wise quote has truly helped me to remember that the times when I’d acted out and hurt others in the past were truly out of my own...

Tools of the Spirit

I recently had someone reach out to me feeling overwhelmed about the world of healing. She said that she had purchased some crystals and books on chakras, but felt out of her league. I totally identified because I had definitely been there when I started healing. There are so many facets of spirituality and healing, so many schools of thought, and seemingly so much to learn, that it can feel daunting. What if I do it wrong? What if I’m not good at healing? Other people seemed to know so much more than I, and I often felt confused about what was up and what was down in the beginning. It took me many turns, many hiccups and some confusion to return to the truth of...

Rest in Peace

The recent kidnapping and discovery of the body of three-year-old Kamille “Cupcake” McKinney in my city has been a tragedy of the highest order. It’s all I can think about this morning as I sit down to write. She was only three years old, kidnapped blocks from my home while playing at a birthday party. This is one of those times when it’s easy to ask “where was God?” It’s terrifying to think that someone would act so cruelly towards a precious, innocent child. I can’t make sense of it even though I’ve read and learned so much about God. Some thoughts come to mind, though. God’s world is perfect, I felt that in my experience. It was so beautiful and so full of love. When...

Going with the Flow/Staying the Course

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” – Tao Te Ching There are times in life where we need to let go and flow in the river of life: yielding, releasing, and allowing. Other times we need to stay firm and direct our intentions and actions in the way we wish them to go. There’s a balance in this movement through life – yielding, then pushing, then yielding again – that helps us move towards our goals while allowing life to work through us. It can be hard to find this balance. As a child I had no sense of what it meant to go with the flow. After my trauma I compensated for the sad state of my inner...


Psychology and Spirituality

I’ve been thinking a lot about the intersection of psychology and spirituality. I know the field of psychology has many facets, branches, and offshoots, so I’m not speaking about all of psychology, merely the approach with which I am most familiar. You probably know that I was raised by a psychologist and spent a lot of my youth in therapy. I appreciate greatly the help I received from the field of psychology and from psychologists. In fact, I’m considering studying psychology at a graduate level. And yet, when it comes to healing, I felt there was no talk or exploration, at least in my experience, of the aspect of my journey which healed me most of all – that of connecting to God and a spiritual...
