
Hope in Things Unseen

Hope in Things Unseen

In times of sadness or confusion, it helps me to remember that we are part of a greater, Godly reality. This week I’ve felt the pressure of parenting, career, finances, marriage, and holiday stress. It’s easy to get lost in the tangible world and lose the tether to our greater reason for being here.

While I love the bliss I experienced when I initially had my encounter with the Divine, and I attempt to connect to that peace regularly through prayer and meditation, I’m just not always going to feel that connected, joyful, and peaceful. This week was one of those times. I have felt stress. I have worried. I have wished for peace.

When that happens, as it does, it helps me to get still, breathe, and talk to my angels and to God. I always feel comforted when I can connect to that source of peace. Even if it doesn’t immediately translate into my world, it helps me to re-center and let go of my worried thoughts. It helps me to give my worries to God, or as the saying goes, “Let go and let God.”

It also helps me greatly to read inspiring spiritual books, especially books about Near Death Experiences (NDEs). While I didn’t have an NDE, I identify greatly with these encounters and get so much from learning about them. I love reading and watching chronicles that tell of passing over, feeling all the love in the Universe, and being with God. Here is an amazing NDE that has brought me much peace this year: The Near Death Experience of Jeff Olsen.

Gratitude is another amazing tool that has the power to transform our daily realities, and it’s one I too often forget to use. Being grateful is such an easy path to waking up to all the blessings we have in our lives. It takes only a moment, and brings into our awareness all of the wonderful things we take for granted.

Finally, connecting with my loved ones and support system is very nourishing, especially those that are based on mutual support, love, and caring. I’m very thankful for my sister, parents, friends, coworkers, teachers at my daughter’s school, the store clerks that we’re friends with, and on and on. The people that make up our daily lives have smaller and larger roles to play and they are all beautiful.

Those are a few of the ways I remember why I’m here and connect to my purpose. It’s so easy to get lost in stress but it can be just as easy to see your way out of it. Prayer is probably my favorite and most effective tool, but they are all helpful in different ways.

What are your favorite tools when you’re under stress?

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