
healing Tag

Staying with the Breath

Today, amidst Coronavirus and the memories of 9/11, I'm thinking about the breath and about how important it is to breathe. Last summer I ended up in the hospital with spreading limb numbness that was eventually diagnosed as a mild form of Guillain-Barré. Guillain-Barré syndrome is a rare autoimmune response that at its most intense can result in total, but usually temporary, paralysis and require use of a ventilator. It was a terrifying but important time. I learned how precious our health can be. I also learned how vital breathing is. I watched my oxygen sats on the monitor and breathed deeply. Sometimes they dropped and it felt scary. When I was able to stay calm and centered, I could breathe in fully and my numbers would...

The Healing Power of Reiki

After years of studying and practicing Reiki, I often feel like I take the subtle healing power of Reiki for granted. I began studying Reiki when I was 23. Back then, it was an amazing revelation. I was astounded by it. Over time, I got used to it. I studied other healing modalities. Reiki was cool, but so were all these other healing paths, I thought. But something happened last week that really upped my appreciation for Reiki. I began working one-on-one with a student in need of healing and guidance. As I began teaching her about Reiki in this intimate setting, I started to truly appreciate its power and promise. What a beautiful method, so accessible and simple, and yet beyond our human understanding. Reiki...

Dream of the Heart

I have just awakened from a beautiful and insightful dream. In it, I was remembering how to ignite my heart, and how to make it feel love. My thoughts in the dream were loud. I was speaking them and living within them. "It can be harder as an adult to feel love," I said in the dream. "Life can take over! But once I remember to connect to my heart and feel love, it is so much stronger than it was when I was a child." The love in my heart was so strong at the end of this dream. It was burning. Then I awoke. I hope that dream is helpful for you to hear! Especially since becoming a mom I've found that I can get swayed into...

Healing Racism

Healing in the context of the racism inherent in our society has been on my mind this week and, truly, for many years. What is my place in this part of the journey? Where can I best serve? Many years ago, I found myself in a circle of Black healers, thanks to my primary Reiki Teacher, herself a woman of color. She took me into her world and showed me a side of reality I hadn't been as aware of before that. For that I am grateful. I spent weeks and years learning from her and from an amazing group of healers who were healing more than I had ever imagined. Yes, my rape and trauma were awful, but they were not compounded by generations of...

Choosing God, Choosing Love

Why choose the path of God and of love? It's not always the easiest path. It's not what all your friends might be doing. It might not even be the path your family is on. Aligning with God and aligning with love might ask you to shed painful layers of ego, and relearn ways of being. It might require you to let go of comfortable things and embrace things you fear. So why get on this path at all? It's the most exciting and meaningful path you can take in life. It's truly why you are here. Your soul and higher self is always nudging you toward the path of love. It wants you to live out your Godly destiny by stepping into who you truly are....

Imagination and Healing

Why do we use our imaginations in healing so much? This was something that really struck me as different when I first started on this path. I didn't quite understand the reasoning behind it. These days I use imagination and visualization in my daily meditations as a sure tool of peace and connection without even thinking about it. My first visualizations were in my Reiki 1 class, when we visualized our chakras, and later did a guided meditation to meet our spirit guides. I wondered whether I just making all of it up. I remember thinking, "ok so I just imagined meeting my spirit guides, did that mean I really met them?" It seemed strange and different. After many years of being on this path, I've come to...


As the weeks of the shutdown amass and the days blend together, I'm reminded this morning of the importance of sacred practices to connect to love, God, and peace. They are beacons of light. Your sacred practices do not have to be the same ones you preferred last year. They do not have to be the same ones your friends do. They can be the ones that best fit you and your heart. How will you know if it's a sacred practice? It will remind you of the love that you come from and the love that you are. It will have a quality of ineffability, and it will bring you some amount of peace. It's easy to put a practice on the back burner when life...

The Soul Space

Sending greetings from this new normal of pandemic life. It's definitely a different world to adjust to. Everything in my life has become very small: small orbit, small income, small child. We have spent a lot of time in our yard and walking around the neighborhood, taking many things very slowly. How are you? How have you and yours been faring? I know many lives have been changed in different ways and I hope you've been safe, healthy, and cared for. I've been thinking a lot this week about what it's like to live within the soul space. There are times in my life when I've been there, and many times when I haven't. When I'm living in my soul space I feel very light, joyful, and...

Living Love in the Time of Coronavirus

This past week has been scary at times, and I've seen the power of the collective to sow and create fear. I've also seen the beauty, love, and true generosity that is possible when humans come together for the good of all. I've been dancing between the two, and working on making choices that bring me closer to the beautiful experiences of love that are possible at this time. I've been relishing this time I have with my daughter. She always asks me to stay home with her, and she's gotten her wish. Yesterday while eating dinner she said, "I wish summer could last forever." We've played in the yard, gone on walks, made crafts and cookies, and started learning the piano. It's been a pure...

Peace in the Face of Fear

My past week has been inundated with stories and worries about Coronavirus. It's a scary situation and I've definitely binged on reading and listening to news about it. It's ok to go down those paths, and I have, but eventually that gets exhausting. I can feel a dip in my energy and in my sense of peace. When I start to notice that I'm getting off balance, I spend time getting centered in my heart, clearing my mind, and connecting to Source. Some ways I do this in practice include: self-Reiki this chakra clearing meditation from Suzanne Giesemann (scroll to Ten Minute Transformation) limiting exposure to media spending time with supportive friends and family reading uplifting and fun books and of course, making necessary preparations According to...