
Imagination and Healing

Imagination and Healing

Why do we use our imaginations in healing so much? This was something that really struck me as different when I first started on this path. I didn’t quite understand the reasoning behind it. These days I use imagination and visualization in my daily meditations as a sure tool of peace and connection without even thinking about it.

My first visualizations were in my Reiki 1 class, when we visualized our chakras, and later did a guided meditation to meet our spirit guides. I wondered whether I just making all of it up. I remember thinking, “ok so I just imagined meeting my spirit guides, did that mean I really met them?” It seemed strange and different.

After many years of being on this path, I’ve come to understand that our physical reality and our imagination are nearly the same. Those things in our physical reality have been created from the realm of thought. Those in our imagination still exist as possibilities. When we get to a clear and calm state, we can use our imaginations to draw in experiences and realities that may be different than those found in our waking life.

We can even use our imagination to help guide us to a calmer state of being. One of my surest meditation techniques is meditation using light and color. I go through each of my energy centers and clear them using each chakra’s corresponding color. On the days when I have a harder time visualizing the color of a particular chakra, I know that’s one that needs some extra attention. I also take time to visualize peace and healing for our planet and people.

What are some of your favorite visualizations? Have you found them to be helpful?


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