
Dream of the Heart

Dream of the Heart

I have just awakened from a beautiful and insightful dream.

In it, I was remembering how to ignite my heart, and how to make it feel love. My thoughts in the dream were loud. I was speaking them and living within them.

“It can be harder as an adult to feel love,” I said in the dream. “Life can take over! But once I remember to connect to my heart and feel love, it is so much stronger than it was when I was a child.”

The love in my heart was so strong at the end of this dream. It was burning. Then I awoke.

I hope that dream is helpful for you to hear! Especially since becoming a mom I’ve found that I can get swayed into the sleep of adulthood – with chores, daily life, sad news, and worries. Sometimes I forget I have a heart at all. Then I become robot mom and lose my smile.

Once I’m reminded of my heart, it only takes a minute to shift and open it. It’s such a beautiful feeling and makes everything feel joyful.

I know it can be hard to see the joy sometimes, especially now. Even within this world, it’s still your birthright and a gift to open your heart and to feel love. I believe it’s a big part of why you’re here. And when you open your heart, it helps everyone around you open theirs.

Have a beautiful day & thanks for being here!

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