
Author: Rebecca

May Angel Message: Becoming

Hello friends! Here's the angel message that went out with my newsletter earlier this month. Enjoy! Embrace the new. Let go of who you were before. You don’t have to carry an old bag of bones into the future with you. Who do you wish to be today? Go out and be that person! You can be and have all that you’ve dreamed of. This is not a one-time thing. This is an every day occurrence. Each time you wake up to start a new day is a new day for you. Indeed, each moment is a new moment. Choose who you wish to be and carry that person into the future with you. Choose by getting still and bringing to mind those qualities you wish...


April Angel Message: Stay in Wonder

To prepare for the solar eclipse stay centered in your being. Is this not a grand occurrence? We are waiting with bated breath to watch humanity choose the path of love. And what is an eclipse to the human soul? It is a moment of wonder, when those things that should be are not. It allows each of you to take a pause and remember the wonder of childhood. Allow yourself to be taken up by that joy. It is a beautiful thing when humans collectively experience joy and wonderment. A beautiful thing indeed. Why the fear surrounding the eclipse? There will always be those speaking fear as long as you are embodied on the planet. We wish you to see them, then see past them....


March Angel Message: Be the Love

Everything you do, intend it to be for the highest good for yourself and for everyone around you. We’re all on the same team, and every effort you make to rise and live in alignment with your truest nature – love –brings untold blessings to you and to your entire world. It can be hard to see this with human eyes, but from the heavenly realm, we see the many sparks of light you create when you approach others with love. This effort is never wasted. It will always lift you up and bring healing to you and your community. We need many helpers on this path. We wish for every heart to turn to Love, and to share that Love freely. If you think no...

February Angel Message: Keep Believing

Keep believing in the unseen world. Keep tuning into us, your angels and guides, as well as Divine Love. We are working hard to make the unreal become real. We wish Divine Love to be birthed on your planet through each of you. This does not have to be big. This can be the smallest change in the smallest moment. These small moments have great impact on the collective. Never forget that we are here for you. You are never alone. But you do live in your world, and you must stay present within the world of creation. While divine truths are revelatory, do things that help you stay and birth this love in your daily life. What spiritual practices can you engage in to...

January Angel Message: Divine Timing

Be patient with outcomes. Remember that everything happens with Divine Timing. Nothing can be rushed, and everything happens right on time. When you are waiting for something to happen, see the many blessings in the pause. You are growing in ways you can’t even see. Waiting for the big event allows you to get grounded, cultivate the soil of your life, and get balanced in every area of your physical and mental world. Then, when what you’re waiting for does finally occur, your heart and your life are ready for it. Nothing can be rushed. It all happens right on time. Be patient and cultivate a sense of wonder about every aspect of your life, knowing that when something you’re counting on happens externally, it’s...


December Angel Message: Breathe

Rest in the grace that is the breath. Your breath will carry you through all the days of your life, from birth until death. In your breath there is peace, presence, power, and calm. Allow your breath to flow with ease to enter into the present moment. The present moment is truly all there is. There is nowhere else to be, nothing else to do, except what you are doing in this moment, right now. You can relax into this knowledge using your breath as your guide and your anchor. Release all thoughts of the past and the future and return to this moment, right now, using the powerful tool of your breath. And so it is....


November Angel Message: Good Enough

Happy November! Here is the angel message that went out with my newsletter this month. Enjoy! Good enough for God. You are, always have been, and always will be good enough to know God and to be loved by God, no matter what you’ve been told. God and your angels see you and love you for the beautiful soul that you are. Whenever there is a doubt, return to the awareness that you were created from the same love that created the whole world, universe beyond universes. The same light that birthed the stars birthed your soul, and is within you now. Remember that we always see you as this eternal light, shining out into the cosmos. Return now to this truth by stilling the...


October Angel Message: Hope in the Dark

Hi and happy October! Here's the angel message for the month. Enjoy and lots of love. Have hope, even on the darkest days and longest nights. What you can’t see, we can. We see humanity learning, growing, and weaving together through the generations. We see brothers and sisters reconciling through forgiveness to peace. We know it can seem like a distant dream. We are aware of the human situation on your planet at this time. We wish you not to despair, but to have hope. Trust your inner guidance for direction. Let God and your angels guide you on each step of your path. And has it not been said, “be thou not afraid, for I am with you?” Truer words were never spoken. Let us guide you,...

September Angel Message: Still, small voice

Happy September! This is the message from the angels that went out with my monthly newsletter. I'm also starting to post messages daily to my instagram account @rebecca.kastl. Come find me there if you'd like more of this! Have a beautiful month. When you hear the still, small voice within, hold the stillness, and listen. This is coming from a higher source, your higher self. Hold that thread and pull it out word by word. What is your heart trying to tell you? What messages does Source have for you? When you listen, your whole life can change in an instant for the better. Get still and heed your inner guidance. Each one of you has this cable to inner knowing. And how can you tell which...

June Angel Message: Your Own Path

Here's the monthly message from the angels. Hope you find it as helpful as I did! I send these out every month with monthly updates in my newsletter. The most important thing for you to know is your own relationship to the Divine. You cannot control anyone else’s timing or entry onto the spiritual path, though believe us it is something each soul comes to eventually. The highest thing you can do for the other is to step boldly onto your own spiritual path and know confidently that this is where you belong. You know your own heart and where it exists in relationship to God’s love. Let that be enough. When you wish another to join the path with you, don’t force. Their heart is walking...