
Love Tag

Doing Things you Love

When the world seems to be mired in suffering, it can feel selfish and a little pointless to do the things you love, but it is at those times that your joy is most important. The world benefits as much as you do from your healing, loving, shining heart. What brings you to that place of joy? What helps you feel love? When I was at my most depressed, I didn’t even know what joy felt like, much less what could help me feel it. I remember for a while, the only thing that helped me feel better was singing Christmas carols. So I did that. Over time I’ve found more and more things that bring me joy. Healing has been an interplay of moving towards joy,...

Forgiving Yourself

What does it mean to forgive yourself? In my life, forgiving myself means returning my heart to the true love of God, stopping the negative self-talk reels that can loop again and again in my mind, and having a soft approach to myself and my heart. It can be so easy to be so hard on ourselves when we’re faced with past mistakes and let downs, but we all need to remember that we’re all here to learn, grow, and become. We weren’t born knowing everything – that’s why we were born. “Hurt people, hurt people.” – Will Bowen This wise quote has truly helped me to remember that the times when I’d acted out and hurt others in the past were truly out of my own...

Tools of the Spirit

I recently had someone reach out to me feeling overwhelmed about the world of healing. She said that she had purchased some crystals and books on chakras, but felt out of her league. I totally identified because I had definitely been there when I started healing. There are so many facets of spirituality and healing, so many schools of thought, and seemingly so much to learn, that it can feel daunting. What if I do it wrong? What if I’m not good at healing? Other people seemed to know so much more than I, and I often felt confused about what was up and what was down in the beginning. It took me many turns, many hiccups and some confusion to return to the truth of...

Being True to Yourself

“This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.” – Shakespeare “Betrayal of yourself in order not to betray another is betrayal nonetheless. Indeed, it is the highest betrayal.” – Conversations with God What does it mean to be true to yourself? It seems like such a simple concept, and at its heart, it is. Being true to yourself means honoring your own heart and living in your truth, even if it’s different from those around you. God created you, and you are just as you are meant to be. By living out your truth in this lifetime, you let your light shine as you were meant to do, and...

Pausing throughout the Day

In our harried lifestyles, it can be hard to take a moment and connect with your Self. I know I run, go, move around, get stressed, and lose touch with my heart and purpose on this planet frequently. It’s so easy to lose touch with who I am and why I’m here when there are schools, jobs, commutes, and dinner on the table. Thankfully, there is one amazing tool that always brings me back to myself – breathing. Breathing can be done at anytime, anywhere. The breath connects our spirits with our bodies and calms our minds. It’s so simple yet so profound.  The main trick is to notice when you are getting stressed and remember to breathe! I have friends who have apps on their Apple...

Timelines and Timeline Shifting

I wanted to write today about a topic that comes up a fair amount in spiritual circles, but is one I never heard about until I started exploring this world. A timeline, as far as I understand it, is a line of time that you experience. When we make different choices, we experience different outcomes and move into different timelines. In the total sense, everything that is happening is happening at once. We can choose what version of reality we experience by what we pay attention to, what we think about, and what we do. We can most easily change our timeline experience to a positive one by raising our vibration and aligning with love. Timelines are a bit of a strange concept that have come...

Returning to the Heart

Thank you so much to those of who were following along on my journey in the hospital last week. I was admitted for three days and given all sorts of tests which came up clear, which was great news. They released me to the care of my primary care physician and a neurologist. So far most possibilities have been ruled out, but the numbness in my arm and my legs persists.  In the end, the doctor asked me if I was experiencing anxiety or depression. I realized that while I became pretty good at taking care of myself before I had a family, becoming a mom, getting married, and working have really put my own well-being on the back burner. Maybe I wasn’t monitoring myself as...

Seeing the Big Picture

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11   It can be hard to see the big picture when life is happening. When I look back on my life up to this point, many things I couldn’t understand make so much more sense with the perspective of time and distance. I’ve heard that everything that’s happening is perfect, and that is comforting, but it can be challenging to know that in the present sometimes. It helps to get still and get in touch with God. It helps to remember that we are all being guided and that we are each of us so loved.  Sending you...

Be Patient

It can be hard to wait for things to come to fruition after working hard for them. It’s not always easy to see how or if your dreams are coming true. I believe that there is a greater plan at work that we can’t always perceive with our human senses. Be patient and keep swimming. If you’ve done your part, the seeds will begin to grow. You can’t always see the heights they will grow to when they have just begun to sprout. Be patient and steadfast. ...

16 Ways to Change our World

For today’s blog, I wanted to share a valuable tool I have been pondering since I read Conversations with God, Book 4. In this book, the author Neale Donald Walsch shares sixteen ways in which awakened species live out their lives, in contrast to how typical human beings live on Earth. I’ve found these sixteen points on the list to be very helpful and even fun to think about and practice implementing in my own life. I also believe that more people living this way would change our world completely. Here they are!  An awakened species sees the Unity of All Life and lives into it. Humans in an unawakened state often deny it or ignore it. An awakened species tells the truth, always. Humans in an...