

Keep Shining

For my post this month I tuned into my angels and guides and received a message from them. I found it very helpful and I hope you do as well! Do not despair, neither shall thou be afraid. Humanity is awakening at this time. These are birthing pains, growing pains, the pains that are present when life changes from one form to another. Don’t be fooled by appearances, because what’s going on is much more significant than what can be seen with the eye. I don’t mean to alarm or scare you, only to enlighten you. Enlighten means to shed light, which is what is happening in your world. Keep engaging with the practices and the texts that bring you joy, for that is your true nature....

The Lightning Rod of Peace

If I'm being honest, the past few months have been pretty overwhelming in my life, personally. Has it been for you as well? My daughter went back to school after being home for over a year due to the pandemic, and I went back to my work full-time. It's taken time and attention to remain centered in peace, but when I've taken the time to really come into Presence, it's helped me and my family a whole lot. I titled this post the Lightning Rod of Peace while thinking of some meditations from one of my teachers. Sitting still and centering, we tuned into the chakras resting above our crowns that extend a few feet above our bodies. As I tuned into these chakras in meditation,...

Remaining in Peace

Happy Wednesday! I hope you had a good Thanksgiving. Mine ended up being awesome, with a beautiful time spent with my sister and family. And now we're already in December. I'm so excited for the holidays that are coming up so quickly! I wanted to write today about remaining in peace amidst difficulty and strife. It's something that's come up for me this week as I've been navigating some heavier emotions. I can't pinpoint exactly why, but it feels a lot like worrying about the earth, nature, and the many people who are suffering. I don't even know at this point whether I'm projecting or not - in therapy in the past, that was often the summation. But our earth is going through a lot. Climate...