
meditation Tag

Trusting your Heart

“If I don’t go within, I go without.” – Neale Donald Walsch I’ve written about this before, but I return to it because it’s so important. Trusting your heart is always a great choice, whether in calm or stressful times. When you aren’t sure which way to go, or what to do, get still and listen to your heart. Your heart can see from above because it is connected to God. You will know your heart’s voice because it arises from that still place. It may be hard to ignore. Your heart’s wishes will arise again and again in your life in your quietest moments. The voice of my heart became very strong the few years after my experience. I felt a very clear inner calling to...

The Next Step

In tragedy or in triumph, whether you’re building something beautiful or repairing something broken, often all we need to do is to take the next step. When I’ve been in very difficult situations and very lost, it was easy to see a big world in front of me, become overwhelmed, and just shut down. Conversely, when I’m working towards making something I care about, I can get ahead of myself, become anxious, and also shut down.  The next step is right in front of you. Don’t make a situation more daunting than it needs to be. Just take the next step, whatever it may be. Hopefully, it will be easy for you to discern what the next step is, for whatever is occupying your mind and...