
healwithrebecca Tag

Believing in an Unseen World

When I first had my experience of God, I truly believed I was going crazy. I was not raised to believe that another side of life existed and was ready to check myself into the hospital. But several things gave me pause. One, my experience was beautiful, and it made me feel very joyful and very peaceful. Two, I met and talked with people who were conversant in the spiritual world and found it completely ordinary that something like that would happen to a person. It became more and more okay for me to accept the reality of a spiritual world as I accepted my experience. The bigger work was learning that the spiritual world was not more important than the physical world, but equally so....

Steadying the Ship

Though I don’t personally know how to sail, I’ve been on a sailboat fairly recently with my daughter when we visited the beach. It was really beautiful to see the captain work gently with the elements, positioning the boat to let the sails catch the wind and propel us forward. It was truly the work of a very patient expert. So it is with life, where you are the boat and God is the wind. When you discern in your heart the correct way to go, position yourself by letting go of harmful thoughts and preconceived notions of what your life should look like, and get ready to move forward with God’s help. God’s breath will take you there. ...

Being Kind

Being kind to others is a gift we give to the world. Small kindnesses can add up to a lot in a world that can be painful or unfair. I love to perform “random acts of kindness,” but I also practice being kind to everyone I meet - when possible. Sometimes when I’m stressed or processing something I’m less able to focus on bringing kindness to others. But the majority of the time, I practice sharing kindness with others by being present, genuine, and attentive. I smile from my heart and look each person I meet in the eye, seeing past external appearances in the essence of each person. Sometimes I have paid for tolls or lunches. It’s a fun way to live.   ...

Staying Focused

In my life I’ve frequently gotten into the territory of losing my focus. There is always so much going on and so much to look at that I forget to attend to the things that are most important to me. In these times it has helped me to list out the five or so things that matter the most to me in my life and in my life’s purpose, and to consciously stay aware of them. A garden doesn’t grow without tending. Dreams don’t grow without love, attention, and focus. What are you working towards? Give yourself some space and time to focus on that today.  ...

Connecting with God

It doesn’t have to be hard to connect with God. It doesn’t have to be complicated or difficult. You can connect with God at any time because God created you, and God lives in your heart at all times. At all times. You can truly never be separate from God. You can merely be aware of God or not. Why connect with God? If your life is going fine, you might not feel like it’s important. If you are feeling lost, depressed, or sad, connecting with God can help you remember how loved you are, and help you return to your true life’s purpose. I didn’t connect with God until I’d reached the end of what I could do in the world of the senses. How can one...

Your Angels are Here to Guide You

When feeling alone or lost, reach out to your angels in prayer. They are always with you and can help comfort and guide you. You are never truly alone, and you aren’t meant to suffer. Center yourself in your heart and ask for your angels to make themselves known. They probably won’t speak to you in a voice you can hear. They might leave you little signs like pennies or feathers. You might feel tingling. You might feel a sense of peace. You might have a dream. Your angels are here to guide and help you along this journey.  ...


“Nothing in the life you lead is real, save your relationship with Me.” Conversations with God I sometimes find myself feeling down after reading about the environment, something about which I care deeply. It’s hard not to. We are in the midst of a mass extinction of species, the rainforests keep getting cut down, and there is plastic all over the ocean. I would love to be able to fix all of these issues overnight, and while I do my part, I am just one person of many. In these times it helps me to remember that these issues are merely the result of actions by humans – it is a cause and effect. It feels hopeless and almost condemned, but I know we can begin to heal and fix this. Happily, many places...

Taking it One Step at a Time

In healing and in life, it’s so important to take things at the right pace. Try not to rush or push, though the temptation may be great. I’ve heard it said that “life works itself out in the process of life itself,” and I think that’s a great way of putting it. I used to try to rush many things in my life, from school to work to success to marriage. I pushed hard against the current of life to try to make things work in the way I believed they were supposed to. After connecting with God and my heart, I don’t do that as much (though I still do from time to time).  Living in union with the divine in your soul will allow you...

Respecting the Beliefs of Others

One of my favorite parts about being American is the importance placed on freedom of religion. I love that people are free to practice and believe in whichever way they wish, and I love that I have been able to explore many types beliefs freely and openly. Over the years I have come to have some pretty strong beliefs about God. While part of me wants to make everyone believe the same way I do, I’ve found a lot of joy in the many pathways to God. We can love and respect one another and still believe different things. It’s a beautiful path. ...


I personally believe we are all here to be “Christed,” that is, to learn and live into our oneness with God. Though I know it might not seem like the purpose of life from looking at the news or going to work, my experiences and the things I’ve learned have led me to this belief. In the process of being Christed and becoming aware of our union with God, we may have highs and lows. We may rise to beautiful experiences of love only to fall to depths of sadness later. I’ve definitely been there. The important thing is to be patient with yourself, and to remind yourself why you’re here. It takes time.  ...