
Letting Go of the Past

Letting Go of the Past

As 2020 comes to an end, I’m thinking about letting go of the past. Are there things and people in your past that are clinging to you and not letting go? I can relate!

Before my experience with the light, I spent a long time trying to make peace with the past. I did many exercises and went to a lot of therapy. Sometimes it helped, but most of the time, I felt weighed down by the pain of the past. Thankfully, my experience taught me that pure love can heal in an instant. Loving myself with total acceptance has helped me come to peace with myself and what’s come before.

While letting go of the past can seem like a very hard thing to do, it is doable. We don’t need to be tormented by people who’ve hurt us, or events that won’t seem to let go. To do so, we can change our attention and shift the energy. You may have heard the saying, “energy flows where attention goes.” You can spend a lot of time cycling through things that have hurt you, or you can learn to take your attention back. You can send love to the person you were before, and to the people who came before.

If you are feeling like you need to let go of some people or events in your past as 2020 comes to a close, try this meditation I’ve been working on. I hope it will help! Be gentle with yourself. It’s ok if this takes a while.

Sit in a comfortable position. Slow down your breathing by taking slow, deep breaths in and out. Now, imagine yourself sitting in a shaft of white light. You are completely saturated with this light, breathing it in and out as it permeates all your cells. 

When you feel completely calm, ask your heart to bring into your mind a person or event in the past that you would like to release. 

See that image resting in front of you. Imagine speaking from your heart the words “I love you. I release you,” to that person or event, and envision bright golden light flowing through that image as it dissolves and dissipates. As the image fades into light, bring your awareness to your heart and to the shaft of light you’re sitting in. Breathe deeply, allowing the light to permeate your heart.

Repeat this process with other people and events you feel you need to release from your space, breathing deeply and remaining in the shaft of light the entire time.

When you feel your process is complete, return your attention to your breath. Put your hands over your heart. Say to yourself, “I am here, I am whole, I am love.” 

As I did this exercise, I felt relief as I let situations dissolve into the light. I realized how much of my own mental anguish comes from my own negative thoughts about the past, not necessarily from a particular person. After all, at our cores, we all come from love. Returning people to the light that they truly are allows me to free them and myself.

I hope this meditation allows you to release people and things that no longer belong in your life and helps bring you back to a place of love. You are a beautiful person with so much to give. Thank you so much for being here. I hope you have a beautiful and renewing holiday season!

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