
The Source of All Peace

The Source of All Peace

I hope this post finds you well! I started writing this post in October, in advance of the US Presidential Election, and will finish it after, to send out the first Friday of the month of November. I am, along with everyone else I know, apprehensive about the results. It’s hard to know what’s going to happen, who’s going win, and what direction our nation will take.

In the midst of so much disinformation and online ads, it’s become hard to know who to trust or believe. My own extended family is divided on candidates with seemingly completely separate sets of facts, based on which media each consumes. And thanks to the film The Social Dilemma, I’ve learned about the social media algorithm that often results in showing users tailored content to keep them on the platform longer. It’s all very frightening!

Among the confusing and disparate information out there, I’m reminded of the importance of listening to one’s heart. Our minds can follow any path. What is typically presented on the internet can excite and involve many aspects of my mind, but I can discern the truth in my heart, which is connected to Divine Love at all times.

To be continued after the election!

And I’m back! It’s the first Friday in November with no official results announced yet. I had first believed when I shared this part of my post that we’d have an answer about the president. Boy I was wrong!

How are you feeling? Are you able to find some peace in the middle of the chaos? It can be hard to take a step back and engage in self-care when so much hangs in the balance, but you are encouraged to. Your heart and your inner joy are important too.

I hope you find some peace in knowing that you too come from the source of all peace – the source that created you, me, and the whole world. Take some time today to step away from the noise of the world and into your own being. Give yourself permission to turn your attention within for just a moment. The world will still exist when you come back to it.

Your light and the love that you truly are lie within. Breathe into it. Breathe into the fullness of you. You bring so much joy to those around you. Let yourself smile into your peace. Lift the thoughts off your mind for just a breath, just a second. When you get to that peace, you will know it. And here you are!


Source created you, me, and everything around us. When you touch into the source of love in your heart, you can be your full self. Your heart and the love within are always there. You can feel this love at any time because it’s who you truly are.

When the news gets tough and it’s hard to stay balanced, take a moment to breathe and return to your heart. You are worth it. Your smile and your peace are worth it.

I’m going to be working on it too!


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