
Trusting your Heart

Trusting your Heart

Our hearts are the inner compasses that guide our lives. They are our connection to Source. When we heed our hearts’ wishes, we honor our truest selves. We may choose to ignore it, especially when its yearnings seem hard or not in keeping with our ego’s wishes, but we will eventually return to it. When we honor our hearts, we step into our truest natures.

Following the thread of my heart led me to my greatest healing. By getting still and quiet, I learned my heart’s wishes. It also eventually led to my experience of the Divine. In the beginning, honoring my heart was a joyful exercise. I was happy to have found a connection to my truest self after being so disconnected.

While connecting to my heart is still joyful and the surest path to peace, these days my ego steps in regularly to thwart my efforts. Especially as I begin sharing about my journey and as I’ve gotten older and more settled. And yet, I’ve found, when I ignore it’s wishes, I become a shadow of who I truly am. It’s a daily practice to remain centered in my heart and my most authentic self. My mind often wants to take over and dictate my day. Taking some breaths and bringing awareness to my heart space helps me on my way.

Say a prayer to God and your angels and ask for help as you connect to your heart. Get still and feel your heart in the center of your chest. Let it guide you to healing and peace.

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