
manifestation Tag

Creating a Dream or a Nightmare

It’s possible for each of us to create a dream or a nightmare out of our lives. Though it seems we are at the whims of fate, we each have the power within us to veer our lives into territory of love or of fear. Much of this has to do with our thoughts and how centered we are in our hearts. Thinking the highest thoughts and focusing on love allows us to bring more love into our lives, like an internal feedback loop. The reverse is true with fear and fearful thoughts. I write about this because I’ve experienced both in my life. I entered into huge fear territory after my trauma. I didn’t only create a waking nightmare in my life, I had terrifying...

Be Patient

It can be hard to wait for things to come to fruition after working hard for them. It’s not always easy to see how or if your dreams are coming true. I believe that there is a greater plan at work that we can’t always perceive with our human senses. Be patient and keep swimming. If you’ve done your part, the seeds will begin to grow. You can’t always see the heights they will grow to when they have just begun to sprout. Be patient and steadfast. ...


If there is something your heart truly desires, trust that it will be made manifest in your life. This desire, this soul urge, comes from your heart, which comes from God. You may not be able to plan the circumstances. You may not see it coming. It may not look the way you expect it to look. Just trust that your dreams can and will come true. They are within you to be made real. ***** Hello readers! I've decided to change up my blog format after some prayer and contemplation. I'll be writing shorter daily thoughts Monday through Thursday, and a longer blog post on Fridays. I hope this new format suits you! As always, I sit in prayer before writing, and then write what I...

Creating Your Reality

“The Universe is just a big Xerox machine. It simply produces copies of your thoughts.” - Neale Donald Walsch Thoughts are things. You create your reality by what you think about. That can be a lot of responsibility to handle, but it’s also very powerful and beautiful. You have the power to create your reality by what you notice, what you pay attention to, and what you think about. I don’t always understand the ins and outs of how it works, but I’ve seen it happen in my life again and again.  It is important that you begin to pay attention to what you’re thinking about. I’ll often catch myself thinking something in fear or anxiety. That is a surefire way to create a situation...