

Dream of the Heart

I have just awakened from a beautiful and insightful dream. In it, I was remembering how to ignite my heart, and how to make it feel love. My thoughts in the dream were loud. I was speaking them and living within them. "It can be harder as an adult to feel love," I said in the dream. "Life can take over! But once I remember to connect to my heart and feel love, it is so much stronger than it was when I was a child." The love in my heart was so strong at the end of this dream. It was burning. Then I awoke. I hope that dream is helpful for you to hear! Especially since becoming a mom I've found that I can get swayed into...

Dream Power

I'm late getting this blog post up today! I slept later than usual this morning thanks to several wake-ups by my daughter last night, and by the time I woke up it was time to begin the day. This is the first quiet moment I've had since, and it's after 9 pm. Such is life. As grateful as I am for my full life, these quiet moments to write keep me whole. I wanted to write tonight about the beauty and power of dreams in the healing process. Though I am not certified in dreamwork and I haven't taken any courses in it, I've experienced for myself the ability that dreams have to change our lives if we pay attention to them. Many times along my path...