
Author: Rebecca

The Spirituality Escape

It’s easy to want to escape into the world of spirituality. Things are much more beautiful in the realm of pure being. Love abounds and peace is ever present. When I first found out that there was a spiritual reality and was able to connect to it, I wanted to stay there forever. I didn’t like the “real world” at all in comparison, with its cruelty, harshness, environmental degradation, and inequality.  At first, I didn’t know that I was being unbalanced. One of the confidantes who helped me after my experience told me forthright – “you have a great spiritual ability, but you aren’t being very balanced about it. It can be an escape.” How can a person stay present in daily life while being aware...

Raising Your Vibration

This is a term that’s thrown around a fair amount in healing communities, and it’s one that I’ve been thinking about lately in my meditations and in my daily life. To me, raising my vibration means becoming more connected to love and to the lighter side of life. When I’ve had a high vibration in my life, everything truly does feel lighter. The clutter in my mind clears and I can breathe easily. Everything feels more joyful and calm and I’m connected to my highest self. It doesn’t have to be hard to raise your vibration. It starts inside of yourself. Here are some of the things that have helped me raise my vibration and experience joy and peace. Of course, like everything, I’m still working...

Accepting Your Path

As I heal and live further on my path, there are areas that come up again and again to be looked at and healed. It can be frustrating to know that I’m not already finished healing. And yet, this is how life works – in circles. We get chances to be love in greater and greater ways, by healing our particular difficulties and traumas in bigger and bigger ways. Some of the areas I’ve continually worked on are being taken advantage of, speaking my truth, and healing my throat chakra. Why do I have to work on these areas over and over again? Because they’re part of my soul’s path in this lifetime. Until I love myself completely as God intended me to, I may find...

Believe in Yourself

You must believe in yourself and your vision if it’s going to come about. No one can believe in you for you. You may have cheerleaders, and you always have God & your angels, but the most important person who must believe in you is you.  Believe in yourself by saying positive messages to yourself. I am worthy. I am loving. I love myself. My dreams are coming true. I am healed, whole, and healthy. My life is full. My life is beautiful. I can do anything I put my mind to. Believe in yourself by connecting your heart to the Big Heart of God. Sit in silence and ask your heart to be opened to God’s heart. Breathe and be still. Stay present and feel your heart...

Angelic Guidance

Since I had my Big Experience of God, I sometimes have fallen into the trap of believing every spiritual experience I have has to be very Big, Dramatic, and fundamentally Life-Changing. That’s just not the case. After I had that experience, or series of experiences, I’ve found that most of the guidance I receive from angels is soft, gentle, and sometimes hard to miss. But it’s there. And when I pay attention, I know my angels are with me. They are with you, too. I believe each person born is a part of God, a light that comes from the big light. And when we’re born in the physical world, we undergo a kind of amnesia that makes us forget where we come from. Thankfully, I...

Healing Racism & White Privilege

As I work to heal myself, I also work to heal my relationship to race and white privilege. As a traumatized teen, I could not see my privilege, yet as I’ve healed, gotten older, and learned more, I am able to see, even despite the trauma I endured, the great amount of privilege I had as a result of the color of my skin, the socioeconomic status of my family, and even the access to mental health resources I had when I began to heal. It’s been tough to face, but at the same time, a big area for me to heal with love. On top of that, the people who helped me heal the most were people of color – my first Reiki teacher and...

Forgiving Yourself for the Past

Some days I find myself overtaken by difficult memories of the past. I remember things I wish I would not have done, or things I wish I would not have said. It can be painful to recall those moments, and too easy to dwell on them. Here are some techniques I work on to let those old memories go. Thought-stopping – When I notice that I am dwelling on these past moments too much, I catch myself and actively replace those thoughts with a positive thought or a thought that brings peace. Or I will notice I’m dwelling on these past moments and stop myself by taking a deep breath and saying a mantra like “I love myself.” This takes a lot of effort and, honestly, I...

Allowing Others to Change

When someone has hurt us in the past, it is easy to hold those painful memories in our minds about what that other person has done. But what if that person changes? We can give them the great gift of letting those old mental pictures go. We can let them be their new selves by seeing the highest good in them.  I am actively practicing letting old memories of others go by centering my heart in love and shrugging off painful past moments. I am seeing them as they are in this moment, and embracing the new vision they have of themselves. I can see a new way. I can help them, and myself, on the path towards love by releasing moments held in the past.  The...

The Joy of Knowing God Exists

During and immediately after my experience of God, I felt pure bliss, joy, peace, and love. It was like being connected back to my true self, the one I’d only dared to hope was real, but generally didn’t believe in. However, living after that experience was much more difficult than I expected. Even though I had felt God’s true peace, I really had to work to see it in my life and in the world around me. It was, and still is sometimes, surprisingly disappointing. And yet, overall, knowing God exists is probably the best thing that’s ever happened to me in my life. It’s completely changed my outlook on everything, and allowed me to find peace when I didn’t think peace would ever be...

Connecting to your Guides and Angels

I’ll admit, when I first approached this area in my own healing journey, I scoffed and judged the idea completely. Spirit guides? Angels around us? That sounded ridiculous and impossible to a “smart” person like me. And yet, I’ve come around to the other side and realized I was wrong, primarily because of my own experiences.  When I first had my experience of God, I felt angels around me very strongly. They felt very loving, very gentle, and very wise. Without the guidance of several people, especially my stepfather, I would have decided I was very seriously schizophrenic and dismissed it all. And yet, connecting with the angels only helped me to live a happier, more loving, and more joyful life. In that way, my “insanity”...