
raising your vibration Tag

Raising Your Vibration

To live in a high vibration means to be connected to your true heart- to love, joy, and peace. When I think of raising my vibration I think of times when I’ve felt very happy and free. It didn’t have much to do with my external surroundings. It mostly had to do with how much I was connecting my heart to the heart of God, and how much I was letting go of behaviors and thought patterns that distanced me from that peace. The truth of you, your soul and essence, already lives at a high vibration. How can you connect to your original God self? Different things work for different people. It always helps me to pray and meditate. It helps me to get an...

Raising Your Vibration

This is a term that’s thrown around a fair amount in healing communities, and it’s one that I’ve been thinking about lately in my meditations and in my daily life. To me, raising my vibration means becoming more connected to love and to the lighter side of life. When I’ve had a high vibration in my life, everything truly does feel lighter. The clutter in my mind clears and I can breathe easily. Everything feels more joyful and calm and I’m connected to my highest self. It doesn’t have to be hard to raise your vibration. It starts inside of yourself. Here are some of the things that have helped me raise my vibration and experience joy and peace. Of course, like everything, I’m still working...