
Author: Rebecca

We are All Holy

My experience of God really threw me for a loop when it first happened, in many ways. Namely, I had to overcome the lessons I was taught growing up that only special people communicate with God, and that only certain people can really make contact with God. I had to move past a lot of mental constructs to come to the truth that we are all part of God, and that God communicates with all of us, all the time. Sometimes God communicates in big ways, but most of the time, God communicates in small whispers. Mostly, God communicates with you in the way that you understand best.  I was not raised to believe that God could communicate with many people. I was raised to believe...


Paying Attention to What you Pay Attention to

This weekend I went down a YouTube wormhole and watched some videos that I ended up finding a little scary. I even woke up last night being afraid of them, and it took me some time to fall back asleep. Even though I do sometimes enjoy watching “scary” things, and I’m all for everyone watching whatever they feel like watching, it can help to watch things that expand on your highest and best states and don’t create fear.  I try to make conscious choices about what kind of media I consume. As I’ve written before, I try to read positive news (like Daily Good and the Good News Network) every day to balance out the negatively-focused regular news. When I watch television shows I try to...


Can One be Spiritual and Intellectual?

Having been raised in a hyper-intellectual environment, I was taught explicitly and implicitly that a spiritual approach to life was a less intelligent approach to life. My family was firmly rooted in rationality and judged anything that seemed irrational to be “crazy,” a term I recall hearing quite a bit in my house growing up. When I’m around my more intellectual friends and family, there is a continued judgment towards a “non-rational” approach to life, including one that embraces God and holistic approaches to healing. I understand that mindset because I was raised in it, and yet, to heal, I had to move past it. The mind is a vital part of our lives, but so is the spirit. As I’ve written before, I believe we...


Returning to Center

This morning I got a little off kilter. Toddler needs, morning routines, and a dollop of mild family drama conspired to tilt me off balance. I know I’m off balance when I am feeling anxious, distracted, and sad. My breathing gets shallow and my body tenses. When I notice I’m doing this, I have some practices that help me return to my center and find peace. Here are my favorites. Breathing – Breathing calmly and deeply, even for just a few breaths, helps me calm immediately. It just takes a moment to check in and pay attention to your breath. Slow down and breathe with intention. Feel your mental clouds clear. You can even try this now. How do you feel?  Intentional Movement – This is a practice that can...


Where does Healing end and Spirituality begin?

When I began healing, I did not set out to become a spiritual person. I only wanted to feel my heart and heal myself. My years of sadness after my trauma and childhood had left me lost, and I wanted to be happy from the inside - happy for real. Somehow, along the way, unintentionally, my journey to heal brought me to God.  How did that happen? I’ve come to believe that healing and God are very closely related. When we heal, we are trying to make ourselves whole again. Healing happens when we allow love back into all parts of ourselves. Healing happens when we connect our small heart to the Big Heart of God. When I was lost and wishing to feel my heart,...

Parenting and Spirituality

Being a spiritual parent has been a major area of growth for me. Becoming a mother has taken away a lot of my private time and often left me exhausted, which has made it harder to connect to God/my heart in the way I was used to. Thankfully I’ve found a wealth of spirituality in being a mother that I’m learning to appreciate. Meditation – When I lived alone, before marriage and family, I could spend hours meditating. I didn’t often do that, but I could if I wanted to. Now, I have to really pay attention and work out times when I can meditate. I will admit that I’m finally beginning to be able to find time to meditate, and I’m almost three years into...

Schizophrenia or Spirituality?

When I first had my spiritual experiences, I truly believed I was schizophrenic. I was raised in a skeptical household by a doctor and a psychologist. The spiritual realm did not exist in my world. Seeing or hearing things, even very beautiful things, meant one was crazy. I spent long hours and years talking with people and grappling with whether I was schizophrenic.  It was a long bridge to cross to believing in the spiritual world, but at the same time it was quite easy. We are spiritual beings. It only requires unlearning the attitudes we may have been given as children. Mine were very deeply learned because of the way I was raised, but they were not impossible to move past. It happened over time...

The Guru Within

It can be inspiring to find a teacher who models the characteristics you aspire to. Some of the living gurus and teachers I look up to include Thich Nhat Hanh, the Dalai Lama, Neale Donald Walsh, and Anita Moorjani, to name just a few. I love following their teachings and work, and find that doing so enhances my own spiritual journey.  However, there have been a few teachers over the years who’ve been really disappointing, from accusations of sexual harassment to abuse. The two who come to mind first are Pattabhi Jois and Divine Mother Amma, though there are more. I haven’t known these teachers personally, but I have heard and read stories from people about their failings as humans and as teachers.  It's devastating for those...

How Gratitude Helps Me

Even though I’ve been writing and sharing about healing, I’m regularly stressed out. As a working mom of a toddler, I get overwhelmed. I can also become depressed about the way the world can seem, and especially sad about the environment. I wish I could say I were living in a state of perpetual bliss, but much of the time, I’m not.  At these times it helps me to become aware of the many things in my life to be grateful for. It’s easy to let the curtain close on the beauty of life when things get overwhelming or I get caught up in day-to-day details. Thankfully, there are always things to be grateful for.  When I remember to, which is *almost* every day, I make a...

Setting Your Intention

Learning how to set your intention for the things you do is a vital aspect of healing. Setting your intention means being aware of and intentional about why doing the things in your life. Are you doing them for fame, glory and money? Are you doing them for healing, love, and peace? Or a mix of both? Or something else? Part of why my healing journey started out so strong was because I was truly just desperate to heal and to feel my heart. I was lost and hurting. I wasn’t looking to become spiritual or to see auras and angels. I think many of us begin the journey that way, and that intention is so powerful. Along the way, though, it’s been important for me to...