
Trusting your Inner Guidance

Trusting your Inner Guidance

It takes practice to trust your inner guidance. From the time we were young, we were told to trust the outer world over our own instincts. Being asked to do things we didn’t want to do, being pressured to conform to a world that was often out of line with our own truths, we lost ourselves. Yet that inner guidance is always there. It may be a muscle out of shape, but you can still uncover it and learn to rely on it.

When you get still, you will be able to hear your inner guidance. Practice centering yourself in stillness and bring your awareness to your heart. It will guide you. You may also practice automatic writing. You may also pray. But mostly, you must get still. Then, once you hear your inner guidance –listen to it! What is your first instinct? Go with that. Before any learned thought patterns or reactions come through.

Your inner guidance is your homing mechanism that comes from God. It may seem far from your daily world. It may be asking you to let certain people go. It may be asking you to do something that seems different from what you’re used to, but if it’s your true inner guidance, it will be easy to follow – “my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” It will bring you to a place of greater peace. Following your inner guidance leads you to love.

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