
May 2019

Being with Trees

Ever since I was a child, I’ve loved trees. I’m sure many of you reading this have memories of favorite trees from your childhood. Though I grew up in a city, we had a beloved tree we used to climb in the front yard, and another tree we loved to run circles around at school. Though I don’t remember thinking about it much at the time, so many of my childhood memories are tied to these trees. Sadly, we were told we couldn’t keep climbing the tree in the front yard due to several electrical wires running through it, and they eventually cut the tree in the playground down. Thankfully, as an adult I live in a neighborhood with many trees still standing.  Trees are powerful...


Making Sense of an Experience of the Divine

Before I had my experience, my life was pretty ok. I had done a lot of healing and while things weren’t perfect, I wasn’t really doing anything “wrong” in my life. I was in graduate school. I studied. I had friends. And then I had this beautiful and heart-opening experience of God that really changed my perspective, my heart and my life. It took me a long time to make sense of that experience. I struggled with it. I ignored it. I pretended it hadn’t happened. I got angry at God.  It wasn’t easy to make sense of an experience that is not talked or taught about in my culture. Not only was it not talked about, in my household I had been conditioned to believe...

Healing the Heart

What does it mean to listen to one’s heart? I write about listening to my heart often because it’s a huge part of how I healed. It can be very hard to listen to your heart in this world. Since we were children, many people taught us not to listen to our hearts. Adults around us - teachers, parents, babysitters -  nudged or pushed us to conform to this world and stop following our natural inclinations. How can we learn to listen to our hearts again when we’ve been so conditioned to ignore them?  An important first step is getting quiet and still for more than just a few moments. It helps to sit still for a while, if you can. Eventually, you will begin to feel...