
self love Tag

Loving Yourself

Self-love is a form of self-care. Loving yourself can mean any number of things. To me, it means letting ourselves open up to the love that created us, to the love that always lives within us. In my journey and spiritual studies I've come to understand that we are all love at the core of our beings. It's a world-view that can seem impossible when watching the news, but probable when you see the love that exists quietly around you in friends, family, and loved ones. So few of us were raised to love ourselves. We feel far from the love that created us. If it seems far away or unlikely, it's only because our human world has been living far away from the love that...

Being True to Yourself

“To thine own self be true. And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.” – William Shakespeare Being true to yourself means honoring what is true for you by knowing and acting on your truth. It means being in touch with who you are and living into it, because you are a beautiful creation from God. It means listening to your heart and then taking steps to create what you found there. In my young life, it was harder for me to honor my truth. I was afraid of what people would think of me if I made changes in my life based on what I felt in my heart. I was timid about it. Writing and sharing...

Creating Your Reality

“The Universe is just a big Xerox machine. It simply produces copies of your thoughts.” - Neale Donald Walsch Thoughts are things. You create your reality by what you think about. That can be a lot of responsibility to handle, but it’s also very powerful and beautiful. You have the power to create your reality by what you notice, what you pay attention to, and what you think about. I don’t always understand the ins and outs of how it works, but I’ve seen it happen in my life again and again.  It is important that you begin to pay attention to what you’re thinking about. I’ll often catch myself thinking something in fear or anxiety. That is a surefire way to create a situation...