

Forgiving Small Slights

The people around us are only human. We are also only human! From time to time, people may say or do something hurtful, such as saying a harsh comment, forgetting to invite you to something, or any number of things. It’s ok to forgive them. In fact, it’s excellent to forgive them. Jesus said we should forgive others “70 times 7 times,” a symbolic number meaning endlessly. For much of my life I’ve been a silent grudge-holder, remembering many slights from others and secretly replaying them in my mind. That doesn’t lead anyone to love or peace or friendship, and only left me exhausted. Now, I’m working on just letting it go. I let it go because I love myself, and I am learning that nothing...

Doing What Makes You Happy

Move towards those things that bring you happiness. What brings a smile to your face? What brings you genuine joy in your heart? Find what makes you happy and do it. It doesn’t have to be amazing, big, or impressive. It can be something small. And while I believe it’s possible to create happiness within before you do anything outside of yourself, I also believe that certain things in your outer world will be a match for your heart, and will light you up in a way that feels uniquely happy to you. Growing into adulthood, I often judged the things that made me feel happiness, as if they weren’t important enough. I also didn’t value happiness or joy as something that mattered. I thought it...

Finding Joy Within

True joy cannot be found outside of yourself. You may find some happiness there, in the people or things around you, but it will not be lasting. People will change, things will go away, and you will be left again with yourself. For real, true joy, you must go within. Get still and awaken the flame in your heart. There joy is.  I used to put a lot of stock into how successful I could be. I thought if I made good grades and built a great resume, then I could be happy. I was always making plans for myself in a vain attempt to find happiness. Of course, I could not be happy that way. I still had healing to do. I learned to go...

Bringing Who You Are into your Daily Life

After I had a beautiful experience of the Divine, the daily world seemed really awful. I didn’t like it. I wanted to leave it. I could not see all the beauty of God in the world around me. Over time, I’ve learned to see beyond appearances into the divine light within – most of the time. OK, a lot of the time. At least, definitely more than some of the time! I’ve also gotten better at connecting to love and God in my heart and bringing that into my world instead of letting the world overtake me.  Learning to keep this experience of God in my life alive has been a long climb, and I still work on it every day. I still struggle with understanding how such beauty...

Moving Towards Joy

What makes you feel joy? What sparks that feeling for you? What makes you smile? Whatever it is, do that more! Even if it is something small or if it seems insignificant. I believe feeling joy is one of the big reasons why we’re alive. Feeling joy, happiness, and contentment is a sure sign that you are aligned with your soul’s purpose.  As a child, I knew what joy felt like. I fell into a joyful state relatively easily, if memory serves me correctly. There seemed to be so much light and peace, and things were safe. As an adult, it takes some practice. It’s easy to get caught up in my day to day life. Jobs, family, finances, stress all end up in the forefront...

The Bigger Plan

Sometimes things happen in life that don’t seem to make any sense. You may lose a job, have a falling out with a friend, go through a divorce, or any number of things that, at the time they’re happening, seem unfair and incomprehensible. However, I do believe is a greater plan, and a reason why these things happen. You may not be able to see it right away, but if you give it some time, the reason will be made clear.  Throughout my life, I have sometimes found myself in situations in which I couldn’t see why I was there. Things happened to me that I couldn’t understand or didn’t make sense. This includes the “bad” things I’ve been through, like trauma, as well as “good”...


I wanted to write more about breath and its power today, a topic I started writing about last week. While I am not a breathwork expert, I have used the breath to help me heal in many ways over the years. Breath ties your mind and your body together and allows your heart to shine through. Simply taking deep, long breaths for several moments of stillness can reorient your mind and help you feel more grounded and present.  There are many teachings and some research out there about different ways to breathe and their effects. There are ways to breathe that energize you, relax you, and many other types in between. Today I wanted to write to you about the 4-7-8 breath taught by Dr. Weil,...


Living a Sacred Life in the Modern World

What does it mean to live a sacred life in our modern society? I think about this a fair amount. How is it possible to connect to the sacred each day, going to work, raising a child, and existing in a capitalistic society with massive inequality? It can feel difficult to create a sacred space in the middle of strip malls. I’ve been cultivating several practices that help me feel connected to God and allow me to live a sacred life even in the middle of this world. Here they are in no particular order: Living in the moment: living in each moment fully, releasing thoughts about the past and the future, is a very sacred space to exist in and truly helps love and light...

Love Yourself by Loving Others

I wrote last week about loving yourself, but today I want to write about how showing love to others is a way to show love to ourselves. When you see past someone’s pain and mistakes into their light within, you are also seeing your own inner light. When you love others by giving them blessings and joy, you also give blessings and joy to yourself. “What you do to another, you to do yourself. What you fail to do for another, you fail to do to yourself” (Conversations with God). Or, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (Matthew 7:12).  Loving another person is akin to loving yourself, because we are all one. How can we show love to others? Well, it helps...


Trusting Divine Timing

A concept that’s come up again and again in my life has been trusting in God’s timing. There have been so many times when I’ve wanted something so badly and had to wait for what seemed like no reason, because the circumstances just weren’t right yet. I’ve had to prepare, give it my best, and then be patient. And then, when the time was right, though I couldn’t have pinpointed why, that thing I was waiting for came to fruition. The metaphor of a garden is probably overused, but only because it’s so relevant to healing and to God. Fruit can’t ripen before its time. It requires good soil, sun, and water, but it still needs time to grow and become. That process can’t be rushed....
