November Angel Message: Flowing
Here is November’s monthly message from the angels. Enjoy!
Allow yourself to flow. The human mind wishes to analyze, calculate, and figure everything out. That, too, has its place, but this weighing is not everything. There is so much more to life, right in this moment. How is your heart? Where is your breath? You, too, are a spark of the Divine, the face of love. “If you could see yourself the way God sees you, you would smile a lot.” Imagine the love you have for a child but multiplied a thousandfold. You are God’s beloved.
So don’t worry, and don’t fret. Know how loved you are and allow yourself to simply be. In the moments when you forget yourself, you shine the brightest. Allow yourself to truly shine by letting go of the strict expectations you set for yourself, which were given to you by your family of origin and society around you. This is a time of letting go, of releasing expectations.
Allow yourself to shine just by being who you truly are. The best part is that when you release reaching and figuring out and embrace the moment at hand, those things you are wishing for flow right to you.