
Be the Love


Be the Love

I would love to say that I sit down to meditate for an hour a day. I hope someday when life is calmer I’ll have time to do that! But for now, with a young(ish) daughter and a job, I am only able to catch a meditation here and there. It’s not always every day, and sometimes it’s just a few minutes, but those moments help me recalibrate and awaken in ways no other practice in my life does.

Last month I shared one of my favorite meditations, a light and color meditation from one of my teachers, Suzanne Giesemann. In it, we’re guided through sending color and light to each chakra. Red for the root, orange for the sacral, and so on up to the crown chakra.

As I sat to do my own version of this meditation last night, I felt a surprising tug to just shift into love. What does that mean? I stopped going through each chakra and color in methodical and analytical fashion, and just allowed Divine Love to flood my energetic body. It was a powerful and profound experience that I hope you will try. It helped me to align my heart and to send love to other parts of myself that I am always working on. It felt amazing. After all, Love is the point of all this healing. Love is the reason we’re here.

SO, how does one just “feel love” and allow it to flow throughout your body? It helps to start by getting still, and breathing slowly. Center yourself in your breath and your spirit. Then just ask Love to come in. Breathe in that love and allow it to circulate through your body. You can focus on whatever area of your system needs attention, just sitting and breathing in that feeling of love. If you feel called to do so, you may ask your guides or angels to assist you. Keep breathing in love and letting it flow throughout your body. When you feel done or your meditation time is complete, send gratitude to your angels, guides, and God as you close your meditation.

It sounds simple, but it was one of my most profound meditations of recent memory. No ticking, counting, figuring out colors. Just sitting in Love and allowing Love to align and heal. It sounds simple, and it is. It’s also extremely powerful! I still love the color and light meditation, and I will continue to practice it, but this was a beautiful way to meditate that I’ll probably start trying more.

If you already do this or if you try this, I’d “love” to hear about your experience! Is it different from your regular meditations? Was it hard or easy to “just feel Love?” How was it for you?

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