
Loving Yourself

Loving Yourself

Self-love is a form of self-care. Loving yourself can mean any number of things. To me, it means letting ourselves open up to the love that created us, to the love that always lives within us. In my journey and spiritual studies I’ve come to understand that we are all love at the core of our beings. It’s a world-view that can seem impossible when watching the news, but probable when you see the love that exists quietly around you in friends, family, and loved ones.

So few of us were raised to love ourselves. We feel far from the love that created us. If it seems far away or unlikely, it’s only because our human world has been living far away from the love that is so close to us, that is within us.

It doesn’t have to be that way. You can be that love right now. In quiet moments, we can cross that bridge, settle into our hearts, and open up to the love that was always there: You are love. You were created from love. Love is your true nature.

I’ve experienced that love in brief moments, most awesomely in my Spiritually Transformative Experience (STE). After that experience, there was no denying that there is a greater fabric of love that holds us all.

You honor yourself and your Creator when you truly love yourself. Try sitting quietly and tuning into the love that lives within your heart. Say some affirmations if they will help, like the following. Be still and allow the love to awaken.


I love myself.

I was created in love.

God loves me.

Love is my true nature.

I allow myself to be love. 


Let the words to sink into you. Say them multiple times. Ask your angels if there are other affirmations that would work for you. Sit within that love and undo the patterning from childhood and beyond that told you you were less than love.

Thank you so much for being the love that you are. Thank you for sharing that love with me and those around you.




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