
Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020!

Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020!

The 2020s have so much potential for new change for growth, healing, love, and peace, and I’ve been thinking a lot these past few days about my vision for 2020. What would you like to experience in 2020? Are you making a vision board? Writing a list of goals or resolutions? Or forgoing the whole thing to live in the moment?

As for me, I am hoping that in 2020 I can continue the work I’ve done personally to share my story with a wider audience. It hasn’t been easy for my ego to let go of its tight hold on how I present myself to others. I’ve kept my stories hidden as a protective tactic. I hope I can continue to share and remember my reason for doing so – to heal myself and others by sharing my truth.

Other, smaller things I hope for include spending more time in nature, finally going camping with my family, gardening, meditating more, studying with some teachers I love, and eating more healthily.

I also hope for continued awakening and peace among all people ~ for the earth to be respected and healed ~ for economic equality ~ and for unity among people. Big dreams, I know, but without the dream how would we get there? I hold this vision of unity and peace each day in my prayers.

What are you dreams and goals for 2020? I hope they all come true! With love, joy, truth, and triumph. Happy New Year!

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