
fun Tag

Enjoying Life & Having Fun

Having fun may seem selfish. It may seem fruitless. However, I believe part of why we're here is to have fun, grow, and enjoy life. I would not have been able to write that a few years ago, before I began healing. I know it can seem hard to enjoy life when the world seems unfair and harsh. But there is still joy in the moment, because joy is who you are. I remember being asked many years ago in therapy what made me happy. I couldn't even answer! I didn't know what happiness felt like and I did not know anything that could help me feel that way. So, I started small. I enjoyed nature. I liked flowers. I pulled a thread that eventually brought...

Moving Towards Joy

What makes you feel joy? What sparks that feeling for you? What makes you smile? Whatever it is, do that more! Even if it is something small or if it seems insignificant. I believe feeling joy is one of the big reasons why we’re alive. Feeling joy, happiness, and contentment is a sure sign that you are aligned with your soul’s purpose.  As a child, I knew what joy felt like. I fell into a joyful state relatively easily, if memory serves me correctly. There seemed to be so much light and peace, and things were safe. As an adult, it takes some practice. It’s easy to get caught up in my day to day life. Jobs, family, finances, stress all end up in the forefront...