

March Angel Message: Center In the Heart

Center in the heart to navigate the shifts on the planet.  This is an inborn capability each of you has from birth on. You do not need to pay a lot of money to strangers to awaken your natural gifts. You already are connected. You already have the answers within. If there is a question about how to feel Source more clearly, please state it silently or aloud to your team. You have believed an untruth, that you are alone and without guidance. The truth is you’ve always had guidance within. The ultimate truth is that you are completely held and loved at all times exactly as you are. Do not fret about the state of the world, but rather seek peace and pursue it. There...


February Angel Message: Anchoring Love

Never doubt that heaven is a state of the heart and is accessible right now. You are each capable of entering into this space of eternal love through the willingness to open your heart, release past pain, and have faith that there is more to the world than you can see. Do not believe the illusion of the world. It will dissipate in an instant when faced with the light of love. By this we mean, as the vibration on your planet continues to rise higher and higher, anything out of alignment with love will fall away. This will happen naturally. Do not worry or fear, but hold that space of peace in your heart as these changes come. You cannot control what happens outside...

January Angel Message: Hope

Hope. Hope is the light that keeps you moving forward through the shadows and confusion that occur during any life. Hope is the knowledge that there is a better world to come. Holding onto hope allows you to believe in things you may not have seen yet, to believe the best in others, and to make changes in your life that allow you to express yourself more fully. To give up on hope is to give up on yourself. Keep hope at the front of your mind and heart as you go through the coming days – when you rise up, and when you lie down. There is no more powerful yet gentle force in the world, this hope that allows you to keep moving forward even...

December Angel Message: Be in the Present

Why are you worrying? Please know that everything is working out for your highest good. Worrying puts a filter over the Divine’s love for you and shades your experience, stopping you from truly feeling the love Source has for you. Worrying about the future does not change it. True peace is found in the present, letting go of all thought forms and assumptions about what will happen in an undefined future. Everything truly is happening right now. Live into the breath, live into this present moment, to truly experience your life. When you start to worry, notice it. What are you afraid of feeling? How can you drop back into the present? Feel yourself in your body, in your space. How do your hands feel?...

November Angel Message: Your Soul’s Blueprint

The outer world is a reflection of your inner state. Continue to be guided by higher divine principles as much as you can in the days to come. There is no wrong path but there is an aligned path that plugs into your soul’s blueprint. If you can’t hear or detect it, ask for our guidance and help. We will never let you fall, though it’s hard to discern this while you walk out your human days. Believe us that we can hear you. Know that you are never alone. You can call out for heavenly help, higher wisdom, and divine guidance. You don’t have to work so hard; just relax into the knowledge that all is well, that you are loved, and that everything...

August Angel Message: Heaven on Earth

There is no such thing as “opting out” in this realm, or in any other. You are pure being, pure consciousness, living within physical reality for but a moment. You have chosen at a soul-level all the major circumstances of your life. To wish to disappear is to wish an impossibility. Slowly shift your life by shifting your thinking about it.This is an ancient truth that has been retold in many forms. You can know this in your own experience right now by noticing those things that you are grateful for in your life at this moment. Gratitude allows the good to grow and will shift your experience. You may try it now. Shift your life in the physical to the life you are longing...


April Angel Message: Stay in Wonder

To prepare for the solar eclipse stay centered in your being. Is this not a grand occurrence? We are waiting with bated breath to watch humanity choose the path of love. And what is an eclipse to the human soul? It is a moment of wonder, when those things that should be are not. It allows each of you to take a pause and remember the wonder of childhood. Allow yourself to be taken up by that joy. It is a beautiful thing when humans collectively experience joy and wonderment. A beautiful thing indeed. Why the fear surrounding the eclipse? There will always be those speaking fear as long as you are embodied on the planet. We wish you to see them, then see past them....


January Angel Message: Divine Timing

Be patient with outcomes. Remember that everything happens with Divine Timing. Nothing can be rushed, and everything happens right on time. When you are waiting for something to happen, see the many blessings in the pause. You are growing in ways you can’t even see. Waiting for the big event allows you to get grounded, cultivate the soil of your life, and get balanced in every area of your physical and mental world. Then, when what you’re waiting for does finally occur, your heart and your life are ready for it. Nothing can be rushed. It all happens right on time. Be patient and cultivate a sense of wonder about every aspect of your life, knowing that when something you’re counting on happens externally, it’s...


September Angel Message: Still, small voice

Happy September! This is the message from the angels that went out with my monthly newsletter. I'm also starting to post messages daily to my instagram account @rebecca.kastl. Come find me there if you'd like more of this! Have a beautiful month. When you hear the still, small voice within, hold the stillness, and listen. This is coming from a higher source, your higher self. Hold that thread and pull it out word by word. What is your heart trying to tell you? What messages does Source have for you? When you listen, your whole life can change in an instant for the better. Get still and heed your inner guidance. Each one of you has this cable to inner knowing. And how can you tell which...

November Angel Message: Flowing

Here is November's monthly message from the angels. Enjoy! Allow yourself to flow. The human mind wishes to analyze, calculate, and figure everything out. That, too, has its place, but this weighing is not everything. There is so much more to life, right in this moment. How is your heart? Where is your breath? You, too, are a spark of the Divine, the face of love. “If you could see yourself the way God sees you, you would smile a lot.” Imagine the love you have for a child but multiplied a thousandfold. You are God’s beloved. So don’t worry, and don’t fret. Know how loved you are and allow yourself to simply be. In the moments when you forget yourself, you shine the brightest. Allow...