January Angel Message: Allowing
Here is January’s message from the angels. I hope it’s helpful for you! See you next month!
Give yourself time. There is no rush. Allow life to meet you where you are. Where are you going? You are only ever here. Now. There is nowhere to get to. Only to be. In this moment is where the magic happens. If you allow life to come to you, you will find there is nothing you have to do. Life blossoms where you are, as you are.
So don’t fret. Don’t waste energy worrying what will come. Everything happens in due time, as it’s meant to. The blueprint from heaven made manifest on earth. It’s more than can be seen with human eyes. Trust and know, you only need to be here, in the moment, to grow. Then you will surprise yourself, when all your dreams have found you, without you rushing around to collect them.
You only had to be still, and know.