October Angel Message: Gratitude and Attention
Enjoy this monthly message from the angels! Thanks for being here and see you next month.
Don’t be so afraid. Your path is perfect. Your angels see it all from above and from within and see the perfection in it all. You are God’s own beloved child and friend. You will never be left out to dry.
Trust us in this. We are carrying you. We are holding your hand and guiding you even and especially when life seems hard and unmanageable. Reign in your thoughts and allow yourself to dwell on all the good in your life. What you pay attention to causes things to shift. What you look at grows.
Tell us what you are thankful for. State it out loud or say it quietly in your heart. Gratitude is immensely powerful. Attention is everything. What are you choosing to look at as you go through your day? Focus on those things you love and are thankful for, and they will grow. Bless those things which seem hard, and you will see them transform.
Heaven is here for you. You are never alone. You are always held, always loved, and always celebrated from our perspective. Believe it!