
angel message Tag

January Angel Message: Hope

Hope. Hope is the light that keeps you moving forward through the shadows and confusion that occur during any life. Hope is the knowledge that there is a better world to come. Holding onto hope allows you to believe in things you may not have seen yet, to believe the best in others, and to make changes in your life that allow you to express yourself more fully. To give up on hope is to give up on yourself. Keep hope at the front of your mind and heart as you go through the coming days – when you rise up, and when you lie down. There is no more powerful yet gentle force in the world, this hope that allows you to keep moving forward even...

November Angel Message: Your Soul’s Blueprint

The outer world is a reflection of your inner state. Continue to be guided by higher divine principles as much as you can in the days to come. There is no wrong path but there is an aligned path that plugs into your soul’s blueprint. If you can’t hear or detect it, ask for our guidance and help. We will never let you fall, though it’s hard to discern this while you walk out your human days. Believe us that we can hear you. Know that you are never alone. You can call out for heavenly help, higher wisdom, and divine guidance. You don’t have to work so hard; just relax into the knowledge that all is well, that you are loved, and that everything...

October Angel Message: Tuning In with Your Heart

Don’t be afraid. The veil is lifting. This means humans will have access to their own spiritual abilities to a greater degree. Human history would have you believe that spiritual knowledge is reserved for a select few - this is a falsehood. Spiritual sensing is available to everyone, no matter your background or belief system. To know you have access to this higher guidance can create fear in some of you. How do you know who or what you’re receiving guidance from? Open up to God, and God will be there. Open up to Love, and Love will guide you. Start with a sincere desire to hear messages from Source, and you will receive messages from Source.   Everything else is a figment of the human...

September Angel Message: Reach Out by Going In

When you doubt that the Divine is all around you (which it is), close your eyes and breathe. You can return to Source at any time through your heart. This is not a destination in your mind, but in the center of your being. It is a feeling beyond words. As you close your eyes and breathe, feel the anchor in your heart tethering you to your heavenly nature. There is no greater path than this. And by finding this place within yourself, you can embark on your truest self-fulfilling journey while you’re here. Once aligned, ask us, your heavenly team, to show you the best and truest path ahead. Receiving guidance like this is not just for a few of you, but for all...

July Angel Message: Waking Up

Watch the world waking up. We see each one of you tuning into the heart, learning more about who you truly are, and shining your light more and more brightly. Don’t give up and don’t despair. This has never been done on Earth before – a Grand Awakening, where each of you learns that you have the Divine within in every moment. That you always have access to higher guidance. This can be discovered in big revelations and small moments of peace. When you learn this and freely share it with others, you become a teacher of awakening. Don’t use an old paradigm to inform what is to come on your planet. There is more love than you can imagine. Keep doing your work, following your joy, and...

September Angel Message: Still, small voice

Happy September! This is the message from the angels that went out with my monthly newsletter. I'm also starting to post messages daily to my instagram account @rebecca.kastl. Come find me there if you'd like more of this! Have a beautiful month. When you hear the still, small voice within, hold the stillness, and listen. This is coming from a higher source, your higher self. Hold that thread and pull it out word by word. What is your heart trying to tell you? What messages does Source have for you? When you listen, your whole life can change in an instant for the better. Get still and heed your inner guidance. Each one of you has this cable to inner knowing. And how can you tell which...