
January Angel Message: Hope

January Angel Message: Hope

Hope. Hope is the light that keeps you moving forward through the shadows and confusion that occur during any life. Hope is the knowledge that there is a better world to come. Holding onto hope allows you to believe in things you may not have seen yet, to believe the best in others, and to make changes in your life that allow you to express yourself more fully.

To give up on hope is to give up on yourself. Keep hope at the front of your mind and heart as you go through the coming days – when you rise up, and when you lie down.

There is no more powerful yet gentle force in the world, this hope that allows you to keep moving forward even when you’d rather stop, when you aren’t sure if you can keep going. Then hope comes and takes you by the hand and says – don’t give up yet. I promise you it will get better.

Imagine Hope as an angel holding your hand, gently leading you forward, with the certainty that things can and will improve. Hold onto hope, and keep moving forward into all you dreamed of. Don’t give up before the miracle happens.

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