
February Angel Message: Anchoring Love

February Angel Message: Anchoring Love

Never doubt that heaven is a state of the heart and is accessible right now. You are each capable of entering into this space of eternal love through the willingness to open your heart, release past pain, and have faith that there is more to the world than you can see.

Do not believe the illusion of the world. It will dissipate in an instant when faced with the light of love. By this we mean, as the vibration on your planet continues to rise higher and higher, anything out of alignment with love will fall away. This will happen naturally. Do not worry or fear, but hold that space of peace in your heart as these changes come.

You cannot control what happens outside of you, but you can control how you show up in the world. Your communities need your peace, your love, your presence, and your light. Not everyone has been on the spiritual journey you’ve been on, and by showing up to your friends and neighbors and shining your light, you open the door for them for their own healing. It is a simple yet powerful shift.

Anchoring this vibration of love allows the door to be opened for those around you. Many of you are already doing this without really being aware of it. So keep showing up. Keep representing love. These times seem perilous, but the love is so much stronger than the fear. It is the only true thing.

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