
Trusting Divine Timing


Trusting Divine Timing

A concept that’s come up again and again in my life has been trusting in God’s timing. There have been so many times when I’ve wanted something so badly and had to wait for what seemed like no reason, because the circumstances just weren’t right yet. I’ve had to prepare, give it my best, and then be patient. And then, when the time was right, though I couldn’t have pinpointed why, that thing I was waiting for came to fruition.

The metaphor of a garden is probably overused, but only because it’s so relevant to healing and to God. Fruit can’t ripen before its time. It requires good soil, sun, and water, but it still needs time to grow and become. That process can’t be rushed. It requires patience. Last week my 2-year-old daughter saw our first tomato on our tomato plant, still small and green. Though we’d discussed about waiting until it was ready to pick it, when I turned my back, she picked it. It was green, and it wasn’t delicious yet. 

As in the garden, so in life. We must prepare ourselves for those things we are working towards by giving them our best efforts, but we can’t force the growth or the flow. All conditions must be ready and ripe for that which you wish for to make its way into your life. God is good. God knows the right time. It will happen in God’s time. Trust it.


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