
March Angel Message: Center In the Heart

March Angel Message: Center In the Heart

Center in the heart to navigate the shifts on the planet.  This is an inborn capability each of you has from birth on. You do not need to pay a lot of money to strangers to awaken your natural gifts. You already are connected. You already have the answers within. If there is a question about how to feel Source more clearly, please state it silently or aloud to your team. You have believed an untruth, that you are alone and without guidance. The truth is you’ve always had guidance within. The ultimate truth is that you are completely held and loved at all times exactly as you are.

Do not fret about the state of the world, but rather seek peace and pursue it. There is no greater goal than to find peace within and share it with those around you. When you reach a state of despair about the state of the world, give it a moment to see beyond the illusion. Everyone is acting from their level of consciousness. When you find yourself lamenting, rebalance yourself and be the beacon of light that you are.

If you are called to take action, take action where you are. Whose lives can you touch? Some are called to great action, some are called to smaller actions, but all attempts to bring more love into the collective are valid. Find where your gifts are needed and share them, holding the highest vision for your planet in the process. To give up hope is to have lost. Hold onto hope.


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