
Rebecca Kastl

Rebecca is an energy healer, angel interpreter, and writer sharing about her path to wholeness and healing.



Return to your true nature.
Read below for descriptions of sessions.


Angel Readings

Receive messages from your guides and angels that may have been tugging at your heart. I tune into your guides and angels and relay their messages to you in a loving and gentle way.


Angelic Energy Healing

Angelic energy healing sessions harness angelic and source energy to help bring healing to physical and/or emotional issues. By following heavenly guidance I help clear your energy, bring you back into balance, and restore you to your true nature.


Spiritual Awakening Coaching

Coaching sessions help you make sense of surprising or unexpected spiritual experiences, helping you reframe your experiences in a way that is helpful for you.

You were perfectly created.

Align with your heart and let it guide you.

I am still blown away by your insanely accurate angel and spiritual support group messages. Every little thing is correct. I hope I can book you again some day and thank you so so much. You have helped me tremendously!

Leela K.

Rebecca is so incredibly tuned in with God and the angels. As a fellow spiritual-experiencer, I can tell she is the real deal. She is so compassionate, kind, and gentle in her readings. I always feel the love and Presence of God coming through when we pray. You won't find a better messenger, healer or communicator to go to in order to hear from the other side and know that the Light and Love of God is truly with you.

Kathryn E.

I've had multiple angel readings with Rebecca. I started out looking for spiritual guidance and answers and it has now become a literal part of my mental health necessities! I leave these readings feeling so uplifted every single time. Rebecca has clear connection and communication with your angels and guides and it's EXTREMELY helpful to have access to that sort of loving guidance. I highly recommend any services with her. She's so genuine and down to earth you honestly could not go wrong. In my opinion you're blessed to have access to any of her time.

Nadia K.

Rebecca is gentle and wise; tuned into a heavenly source. She is clear and direct with a sense of humor when appropriate. Everything she shared was with honor and respect for my own Faith journey and spiritual expression. It was an uplifting and affirming experience. The love came through loud and clear. I'm so glad I did an angel reading with her. I can recommend her with no reserve to people of all walks and faith systems.

Anne M.

My first-ever healing was with the wonderful Rebecca, and it was such a transformative experience! I didn’t know what to expect, but Rebecca is so thoughtful and gentle and kind, and in addition to being a very gifted practitioner, she's also a great teacher. I appreciated her walking me through the experience, and I can't think of anyone more perfect to take this journey with.

Whitney W.

I just have to say a quick but sincere thank you for the energy work you did for my husband last week. Holy cow! His back was so bad leading up to the session that he could barely get out of bed most mornings. He said he could feel a pleasant warmth in the target area of his back during your appointment and since then his back pain at that spot has diminished almost entirely! Like, for real! He says he gets a very slight twinge now and then, but it is NOTHING compared to what it was. The positive psychological effect on him (and all of us) has been absolutely remarkable.

Kathy L.

You did a reading for me a couple months ago, and I have told a few people it was one of the best I have ever had over the years. Relaxed and genuine. Thank you.

Stephen D.

Good morning lovely friends! ☀️ So happy to be back home in Colorado. Thanks for following along on my trip! 

I hope today’s message is helpful and meaningful to you. There’s so much more to the Law of Attraction but it seems like it starts with gratitude, and following your joy. Have a beautiful day & see you tomorrow 💚
Morning friends! Loving today’s message that everything is working out. I hope it’s helpful for you! Heading back home to Colorado today 💛 have a beautiful day!
Sunday Angel Message: Navigating Changes Through Spiritual Practices

We talk about the importance of spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, and connecting with a supportive community during a time of changes and shifts in the physical world. The message encourages us to trust the divine plan for our soul’s growth, and to not be afraid but instead stay centered and grounded. We are reminded that we all have unique gifts to share as conduits for the divine, and that we don’t have to navigate these times alone.

#SpiritualPractices #SoulGrowth #DivineGuidance #NewOrleans #ChangeAndTransformation
Love today’s message about having an open heart. After having healed through a lot of trauma, feeling my heart open is about the best feeling ever! The message makes it sound really easy but it took me many years and a big STE to truly be able to get to this place. 

I hope the things I share help you feel your heart free, happy and open. Love y’all lots ❤️ have a beautiful weekend!